The first interaction

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He used to be number one. There is no one who can compare with him... at least the body size He felt a deep dissatisfaction as he looked at the new member, the man was tall and formidable. Even though the mask he wore didn't have a skull like his, why did it look so cloudy?

“This is Colonel König. He will join us on our next mission. While we wait, I would like you all to get to know each other well as it will be beneficial to our work.” Price said, gesturing towards the large man standing on the side.

“Oh! Colonel König! It's been incredible to work with you— No. I mean wow. I heard your story and it is amazing!” Soap shouted excitedly. Waving hello back and forth With words flowing out of his mouth like streams of water.

Annoying, Ghost thought.

“Ah.. — Oh, thank you,” Koenig replied, his eyes narrowing slightly as if he was smiling under the balaclava.


“Haha, that's Soap, that's Gaz and Ghost,” Price said, pointing out the names of the team members for König to recognize.

Soap and Gaz gave him warm, friendly smiles. Except for that person. Even though he had a mask covering his face, the eyes that looked at König were not friendly at all.

"As you know. He has a higher rank than me, so respect him. It won't be easy for me to retrieve him.” Price pointed his gaze directly at Ghost. And what was received in return was just a turning away. Ghost doesn't approve of this collaboration—

"I'd be delighted to join your team, Captain," König said, looking away from the three members and looking back at Price.

"I also apologize for bothering you, Colonel."

"With pleasure."


The first day of the visit was spent exploring the various areas of the base. It was a Soap tour so König had gotten a lot of information. Even though most of them don't have much to do with this place.. . What kind of person really keeps talking? .

Koenig sat on the bed in his own room. Sitting and thinking about the new information he received today. He had been separated from Soap for about half an hour. It was dusk. Some of the bravest soldiers might go out at night and sleep in the gym. Or keep yourself in your room like he is now. . It's nice.

​A heavy sigh came from the young man. He wanted to do something besides just sit in the awkward square room...or maybe he should go explore this place some more. After all, he was still new here, and when he thought of that, König didn't hesitate to get up from the rough bed that seemed smaller than his own size. then walked out of the room


It was quiet, with only a gentle breeze blowing against the skin. Two long legs walked out and surveyed the outside of the base, ending up behind the building. It was quite dark, with only a little bit of the moon's light giving off a blurry glow. He stopped and looked around and was about to turn around and walk back, but was stopped when the cool, moist smell from the air changed. Cigarettes. Who would smoke in a place like this? Thick brows furrowed together under the mask. The young man decided to change his goal to find the source of the smell instead of returning to his room.

He walked deeper into the darkness. Another side of the building The figure of someone appeared standing alone smoking a cigarette. His hazy blue eyes narrowed, trying to focus his vision more clearly.

Fairly tall, but definitely shorter than him... wearing a mask? It probably isn't anyone else. There were only two people dressed like this in Ghost Base.

“You don't seem to like me very much,” a hoarse voice said as he walked towards the person standing.

“ . . . .” Ghost didn't answer, but turned to look and went back to smoking.

“May I ask why?”

“The mission can be completed without you."

“Right? Aren't you afraid that I'll come and take your place?” König's voice sounded a bit irritating. König stopped and stood only a few centimeters away from Ghost. And with those words, the shorter man had to look up at him. Those brown eyes looked beautiful. Hidden with anger, but it's not enough. As such, König wanted to stoke the fire even more fiercely. I want to see this man broken(?)
“You are number one here, Si. Are you afraid that I will take it away from you? You're afraid that I'll steal everyone's attention from you, hmm?—! ”

Before the words could finish well, a huge force suddenly occurred without warning. König leaned down with speed, slamming into Ghost's skull mask… It didn't take him long to react. Strong arms grabbed the slender man's neck, squeezing him tightly and lifting him up with anger. König had a clear advantage even though he could only use one hand. Ghost's body size and strength really couldn't be compared.. Ghost quickly removed his hand from the large man's balaclava and placed his palm on his own throat instead. It wrapped around his neck completely, cutting off oxygen from the outside to the inside.

Ghost squirmed, searching for air. They beat and punched König. No matter how hard he tried, his palm didn't seem to relax in the slightest. Until the lieutenant's consciousness began to fade, all his resistance began to stop and he finally became calm. He wasn't unconscious yet. But he was too weak to respond. Until, at the last second before everything died, his throat was set free. The body fell to the ground.

“Fuck you,” König swore, angrily. I'm not sure if it was from his mistake and the lieutenant's unconsciousness or if he just felt his nose bleed. Dull blue eyes looked at the lieutenant on the ground. If we leave it like this, there is a chance that it will really freeze to death. .

After considering for a moment, König bent over and put Ghost's face on top and picked him up bridal style. His nose was still bleeding but he didn't care and carried Ghost back into the building.

König takes Ghost to Soap for help. It was claimed that he was found lying peacefully outside. And when Soap asked about the blood on his balaclava He replied that It was just an accident that he bumped into the door.

Haven't checked for typos yet.
1093 words
Chapter: 1/?

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