Chapter 1: Prolonge

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Albus Dumbeledore was not amused, the usual twinkle in his eyes were missing. He was currently in the Headquarters, holding meeting with the Order. All because of Dolores Umbridge, after what could only be described as a dissasterus fifth year at Hogwarts this unpleasant lady was still creating many problems.

A day ago he received an urgent call from the Ministry of Magic, they have somehow got a hold on five books, all about one and only Ambrosia  Dorea Lily Potter. At the end of the year when they have almost lost Sirius Black and he has almost lost the trust and respect of Rosie and her younger sisters, Seraphina 'Sera' and Cassiopeia 'Cassie', Albus made a promise to the girls and he was intend to keep it. No more secrets, From now on they work together, from now on Rosie  won't be in the dark anymore. Dear Merlin, how much he had fought about those books. He didn't want it in the open and not because he himself made many mistakes, no. He was only human, he knew it. And well people do terrible things and stupid mistakes when they love someone.

Albus did love the Potter sisters as granddaughters. He got attached to them, Moody was right. The headmaster was trying to keep Rosie and her sisters out of the Order and that blasted prophecy because he saw them as his only family. Snape was right too, she truly was his favourite. No, the real reason was the girl herself. Ambrosia  was very private and protective person. She needed time to open, to trust you and now all her life was going to be read to the entire bloody school and some Ministry workers including Cornelius, Umbridge and the new Minister himself. Yes, indeed Albus was not amused at all. He wasn't the only one.

"Albus, I must protest! The poor girls has enough pressure on her. Every year something happens. We cannot allow it, well except for Cassie this is her second year!" exclaimed an angry Minerva McGonagall.

Her statment was followed by Molly Weasley immediately. "What are they thinking! Is it not enough that the entire year they were badmouthing her! Calling Rosie a crazy liar and brought her to the Wizengamot like a common criminal!" Mrs. Weasley was read in the face with hands on her hips. Her husband was nodding in agreement and by the look of it wasn't pleased ether. Rosie, Sera, and Cassie was a family after all. Weasley protected family above all.

Dumbledore hold his hands up and sighed.. "I know and I do agree with you all. I spent all the day arguing about it, however Rufus believes that this is necessary." The Ministry is a mess. Dolores and Cornelius are not giving up. Right now the both of them decided to accuse myself and Ambrosia in the lack of cooperation with the Ministry. According to Cornelius I did not give enough information and evidence in the matter of Voldemort return..

The room was silent for a moment and then as per usual the occupants started to shout and argue all over. Neither Sirius Black no Remus Lupin were thrilled with those events. Black wanted to storm the Ministry and Lupin's eyes were amber, he was growling. For the next twenty minutes the member of the Order were trying to find a way out of this mess.

"Enough!! All of you!" shouted an angry Mad-eye. "WE cannot do anything about it and Ambrosia will understand. She won't like it, thats for sure, but think about it. Those books appeared to hold the truth. And the truth we need, Merlin knows. It could help. It could prove the Ministry wrong, could even help you, Black! Your goddaughters needs you with her. You can't do much on the run. Your innocence was not proven yet. WE all could use it to our advantage and the girls won't be alone. Dolores wants an audience? Give it to her. WE all could come. We all would be there!"

"Wow, Mad-eye, you really do have a soft spot for the girls , do you?" joked Tonks.

Moody gave her a glare but said nothing. The silence was already an answer. Everyone in the Order knew about his respect for the Potter girls especially Rosie. Moody wanted to see Rosie as a fellow auror.

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