Just a quick little thing chapter about myself ig

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Hey guys so I just wanted to explain something's so I'm a female if you haven't figured that out already but I haven't really told my parents my sexuality's and I'm still debilitating if I really am or not I told my friends and they're super supportive of me and I just wanted to say that I'm, Bisexual, I'm Demisexual, Graysexual, and Polyamorous, keep in mind that I'm still debating whether I am or not but I have a strong feeling that I'm all of those and that they really are my sexuality's in the future so I'm going with that feeling as well as my gut is telling me the same thing now, I do believe I have BPD or Borderline Personality Disorder to explain things a little better I'll put them into sections so you can read them and if you don't support you can leave this channel for good and never comeback cause I don't like hate comments and I might not take them all to well anyways well start off with my sexuality's

Bisexual:I basically like both men and women or boys and girls

Graysexual: Graysexual people feel slight sexual attraction or only feel sexual attraction on occasion, or Feelings of limited sexual attraction

Demisexual:for the people who are demisexual you don't really have to read this if you already know what the meaning of it is but if you don't you don't know you can read this so here's the meaning for it, a Demisexual person is someone who only feels sexual attraction to someone after they feel an emotional bond

Polyamorous:it's basically were your in more than one relationship at a time like there's more than one or two people in your relationship

And finally

Borderline Personality Disorder: a mental illness that severely impacts a person's ability to manage their emotions, I would basically say don't argue with a person that has this disorder cause they might lash out at you and not know or even mean what they say and it could possibly ruin your relationship with them and it might be your fault at that cause your the one who started the argument and it ended with that person lashing out at you and saying some really hurtful things without meaning to or knowing what they're saying or doing so be careful what you say around people with the BPD disorder

Anyways that was all about me if you don't support or you make fun of me you can leave cause I might not take it all to well and I might just stop doing stories and other things on here all cause of what one or more people said, and even when they say it and they know the consequences they still do it and not give a shit about it, some people say things that goes to far and the person they say it to might end up suicidal or worse idk even know if anything's worse than being suicidal unless they actually commit then people watch what you say you might not know if it actually hurts them or not so just watch what you say and how you say it anyways Comet out!

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