Chapter 11 : We need to talk

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Zac : Wtf fatima ....he said ducking

Fatima : Why the hell are you sneaking up behind me ?

Zac : Why tf do you have a gun? He ask panicking

Fatima : That's not important , why are you following me?

Zac : I wanted to make sure you was okay

Fatima : It funny how you trying to make sure am safe but almost got shot in the process

Zac : You think this is funny ?

Fatima : I mean " laughing "

Zac : Do you have a license for that ?

Fatima : Now see you asking the wrong thing , What do you want? Cause last time i checked you dismissed me

Zac : I dont even know why am here .....he said honestly

Fatima : So you follow me like a theft in the night and almost got shot for nothing?

Zac : We need to talk

Fatima : I try that a few minutes ago an again you dismissed me

Zac : An you dont think i had a right too ?

Fatima : " sighs" Look i know what i did was wrong an i was trying to explain that too you but again you shut me down

Zac : You couldn't call or at least message me to say something ? its been two months since you walked out on me an never even look back fatima , you left me in that restaurant like i was nothing

* Fatima listen to him express him self an she could hear the hurt in his voice an she feels bad but she was in a difficult situation an her daughter came first before anyone

Zac : You know what hurts the most i thought we was building something

Fatima : We was but....cut off

Zac : I guess am not worth your time ?

Fatima : I never said that zac i do like you an i was having a good time at dinner but after i got that call from my grandma i had to leave i know its no excuse but it was an emergency

Zac : I would have understand that if you had just say something fatima am not selfish i would have reschedule but you choose to left me there like i was nothing

Fatima : Am sorry .....was all she manage to say

Zac : Its cool

Fatima : What can i do to say am sorry ?

Zac : A month ago i would have had an answer

Fatima : What does that mean?

Zac : I've move on

** Fatima feel like someone hit her with a bus as her vision became blury for some reason but it was too late when she noticed it was tears an since he wasn't looking at her she turn her back to him before he could see

Fatima : Oh .....was all she managed to say

Zac : Am sorry fatima but i waited a hold month an i never got a call or message from you so....cut off

**Fatima wanted to tell him she lost her phone an change her number but she knew atp he won't believe anything she say so she just decided not to say anything

Fatima : Its okay zac you don't own me an explanation you deserve someone who is going to treat you right

Zac : Thanks....he said unsure

Fatima : Look i gotta go ....she said opening her car door

Zac : Wait !!

Fatima : What is it?

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