Eat, Sleep, Dance, Repeat

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Point, flex, point, flex. That's all that goes through my head during pratice. I'm also thinking about how in the world I'm going to be ready for the Chemistry midterm. I mean I know it's only sophomore year but I really want to get into Juilliard because it means that I almost have a definate career and I'm 16 but if you go on YouTube there are dancers who are so much better than me and I need to be a clear choice so that I have a career. But the reason I'm worried about the midterm is because to empress people you need all A+s and I have them so far and I will not let a chemistry midterm ruin that. Breathe Kiera, breath. Only an hour left of class really? We haven't even gone over our dance yet. Why do I hear whispering, I hear it to my right so I am going to slowly turn my head. Oh great, just who I thought it would be. Jess and Kasey, the only "popular" girls who are in my dance class. Every single class they make fun of somebody and it looks like it's my turn today. Lucky me.

Then I go over the dance in my head before we pratice because I don't want Jess and Kasey to have a reason to make fun of me. We run through the dance and I over power my leap and I'm not hurt but otherwise everything was perfect. It's finally 10 o'clock which means I finally get to go home and try to be a little bit ready for this midterm and try to get a decent grade. I go into my sky blue room and get changed into my Starbound sweatpants and my Juilliard sweatshirt. I then take of my makeup and brush my hair before I put it into a messy bun. After that I go find my 8 week old Persian cat named Leesh. I open my Chemistry notebook and realize I probably won't be getting any sleep tonight.


I wake up to a ringing sound and realize I somehow looked over my whole notebook and I actually remember it. Then I look at the time. Uh oh I need to move; NOW!!!!!!! I quickly put on my mint green top and a white skater skirt. Then I 0 it on my floral vans and stuff my Chemistry notebook and put my iPhone in my bag and run. I make myself a cup of coffee and put it in a to go cup and grab a bag of fruit and run outside to my boyfriends car and we go to school.

The Chemistry midterm was actually kind of easy for me and I think I got them all right. I really hope I got them all right. Well time for lunch. Ew, meatloaf suprise, thank goodness I brought my own lunch. I think the only stomachs in our school that can handle it are the boys on the football team... Well at least some of them.

Hello loves,
I hope that you liked this part. The Next CHAPTER Will Be more exciting and I hope you are liking it so far and i will write better next time. I might write a chapter after every 2 days but i will try my best. Keep on reading and you are the best.
X O X O,

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