In the line of fire

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König was in unfamiliar territory, and as he stalked down the street and nearly tripped over nothing, he looked down for a split second, and that's when he collided with Ghost, the infamous member of Task Force 141. König had heard stories about him but never imagined meeting him in this compromising position - flat on his back.

"Watch where you're going, mate," Ghost growled as he helped König up.

König couldn't help but blush under his hood at the sound of that deep voice. This was not the kind of first impression he had hoped to make on the guy people compared to himself in the field.

Only seeing clips of the guy didn't do him justice, and this was a one-time alliance. He stole glances at Ghost. He was even...good looking in a fucked up way, if you could get this close, with piercing blue eyes that seemed to look right through him. König slowed down his breathing to control his racing heart, and he couldn't believe he was starting to harden in his tac pants for the man who had just fucking scolded him as if he were a moron. He was in trouble.

But he had to keep his lust in check. After all, they were enemies, and there was a war going on. "Quatsch."


König started a slow rhythm, fucking into Ghost's mouth as if he were nothing more than a toy.

Tears streaked down Ghost's face, heated under the skull-printed balaclava, and soaked into the fabric as he moaned in false protest, trying to stop from choking with every thrust. If they weren't pressed for time, in fear of discovery, he'd love to swallow König's cum. All his gear and attire were shredded, leaving him bare except for the mask. König, remained fully clothed, leaving only his fingers bare and sprinkled in beaded sweat and his dick unconfined from his fly. It was a limit neither of them could give up-no matter how many dirty rough fucks they shared. At any moment, bullets could fly by them, yet they couldn't stop meeting this way. The rush of almost being caught was half the fun.

"I can't believe we're doing this again," König muttered breathlessly as he held Ghost in place, watching the small flurry of dirt in the air from Ghost's knees shifting in the uneven terrain.

König withdrew for a second before forcing his way back into that tight heat, holding Ghost by the sides of his head as his cock brushed the back of his throat and his balls slapped against Ghost's chin with every move. He rocked his hips and groaned as arousal simmered his entire body, making his toes curl in his boots.

"Fuck, do you see this?" He let go and allowed his cock to bob in the air, the head glistening in the sun's rays, with a string of saliva and pre-cum connecting it to puffy lips. "See that cum dripping there? That belongs in you." He stepped back and shoved Ghost by his shoulders onto the hard hot ground, holding him down with a hand between his broad shoulders, and the other he spat down on to slick up his length and hold his cock to position. He could feel Ghost try to move his arm, to try and bite down on his forearm and stifle his sounds. But he couldn't have that.

"Don't be like that. I'm going to fuck you on this recon whether you want me to or not; I'm giving you the courtesy of letting you think you have a say. But I know you, and you want this as bad as me, so might as well let me hear you, Schlampe."

Ghost let out a wanton moan but spread his legs even further as he felt the cock brush against him before sinking in. When König breached him, the world shifted as his eyes rolled back into his head.

"Scheisse, so tight no matter how many times I fuck this ass." König groaned as he pushed in again. He tightened his fingers around Ghost's nape. He squeezed tight as König thrust into him vigorously, knowing the lieutenant who took everything he had to give and more. "Don't touch yourself." He growled, "You cum from my cock or not at all."

"Harder," Ghost whimpered, pushing back to meet every thrust and spearing himself on that thick cock. "I said harder."

König slapped his ass but pistoned harder, one forearm resting across Ghost's shoulders and the other holding him up in the dirt. Listening to the sounds of their skin slapping amidst the pleasure. "Oh, yeah, that's it, all of it. Squeeze my dick, bare down on me, Schwanzhure, and let me feel how tight you can be."

"I-I'm close-" He shuttered, wanting to reach down to his aching cock and finish himself off. But before he could, König brushed that sweet spot, ramming into it and making him see fucking stars. Ghost could feel the smirk against his skin when he moaned.

"Don't worry, I'm right behind ya. Going to fill you up, lieutenant. First, I want to hear you beg for it. Tell me how you want me so bad you risked cover and kneeled in the dirt the first chance you could." He tightened his grip and grunted.

Ghost nodded and ignored the flushed heat on his face. "I want it bad, you lunatic. He yelped, his voice hoarse and desperate as he pleaded. König took mercy and slammed his cock in before roaring and emptying his cum into Ghost.

He felt the vibrations from König's deep moan against his ear as König came, and heat rushed to fill him. König shuddered but showed no signs of stopping.


"You're a fucking idiot," Ghost grumbled as he stumbled to his feet, brushing off the dirt from his skin and snatching up his garments.

He frowned, adjusting his vest. "What?" König asked, confused.

Ignoring him, Ghost stepped into his trousers and didn't bother to look up. "You know what. You can't keep doing this. We're enemies, remember?" Ghost said, his voice tinged with annoyance.

"I know, I know," König sighed. "But I can't help how it makes me feel-" Ghost rolled his eyes. "-watching you run around and bark orders with my cum dripping down your leg."

"You are a moron." He hissed, fastening himself back into order.

"Whatever you say. Don't get too cocky. Remember who's cum is keeping you warm tonight." König said with a chuckle. "Just try not to get yourself killed out there. I won't always be there to save your ass."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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