Red Velvet Is An Interesting Flavour.

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Earth placed some ingredients onto his kitchen counter, a small smile on his face. He has his usual apron on, 'Kiss The Cook!' Was written on it. He admired that apron after winning it at a competition.

Enough chit chat, Earth was planning on baking a cake! Lovely, yes. What cake? Red velvet, of course! Earth was quite fond of Red Velvet. It signified something special in him; therefore, he decided to bake one to cure his sole boredom. Earth grinned contently as he took a bowl out, grabbing cake flour, placing it next to the bowl. He then reached into a drawer and pulled out a cup, picking back up the cake mix; they poured three cups of the mixture, seeping them into the bowl. Earth did this happily, grabbing one teaspoon of baking soda, also setting that into the mix. They reached for unsweetened natural cocoa powder, taking two teaspoons instead of one.

Earth then heard the front door open, the sound of shoes being kicked off echoed throughout the halls. The adult payed no mind to the person, resuming to bake his pastry. "Ma?" Was all Earth needed to hear before he started to speak. "Afternoon to you too, how was school?" Gaia greeted Luna who peeked their head into the kitchen. "Afternoon, Ma.. It was alright." Luna stepped into the room, dropping his bag onto the floor, watching as his parent glared at it. "You don't sound alright, what happened?" Gaia set down the cups of sugar he was holding to look over at Luna with concern. "I'm fine, Really! We just had a small class party before end of year service and I didn't feel like staying so I snuck out with Dark." They explained, averting their gaze towards the counter. "What're you making?" Luna switched the topic, pointing at the bowl. Earth's frown was replaced quickly as he replied. "Red Velvet," He raised a brow. "Why ask?" Gaia glanced at Lunar.

The teen beamed up as he picked up a bottle of vegetable oil. "Can I help?" Gaia opened his mouth to answer before Lunar cut him off. "Ok, cool!" The smaller boy pulled out the counter drawer, rummaging around for another beaker where he poured two-hundred forty milliliters of oil into the cup, gesticulating for Earth to put in the sugar. "Hm." They hummed, drawing the mixture with sugar, eyeing Luna as he let the oil flow into the bowl. "So," Earth started, grabbing a whisk, watching Luna acquire four eggs. "How's your friend?" Luna, perplexed, stared at Earth. "Who?" They quipped, getting a separate bowl to remove the yolk from the eggs. "Y'know," Gaia chuckled.

"Titan." Luna squeaked, almost dropping an egg. "He's fine.." The boy gulped, cracking two eggs. "Really?" Gaia smirked, leaning down to Luna's height. "That doesn't explain why you were up at twelve A.M. chattin' to him, boy." The adult acknowledged, hearing Lunar gasp. "We we're just- I-" Luna could feel his cheeks get hot as he stammered, struggling to focus on his task. "I'm joking! I went to bed at nine." Earth laughed, nudging Luna's shoulder, returning to his original height. "But, were you actually up at twelve talkin' to him?" They deadpanned, a serious look stood on his face. Luna chuckled nervously, blinking rapidly. "Ha.. No.." They swallowed the lump in their throat, looking away from the blue haired adult. "Oh?" Earth put the bowl down, pinching Luna's ear. "You do know I know when you're lying to me, right?" Luna bit his lip, seething. "Now do those eggs and finish whisking the batter." Earth huffed, turning to wash his hands. "I gotta make the icing." He said.

Luna rolled his eyes, continuing to separate the egg yolk from the whites. Once finished, he let the goopy liquid course into the batter, picking the whisk up and beating the solution together. When the batter got fluffy, he grabbed the egg whites, pouring those into the mixture as-well, beating them together.

Lunar then added one tablespoon of pure vanilla extract and one teaspoons of distilled white vinegar. As Luna searched for the food coloring, he noticed it wasn't present on the table. He sighed, putting the bowl down and turning to face Earth who was preheating the oven; he had already finished the cream cheese frosting— Quick. "Momma', where's the food coloring?-" Lunar queried, scanning Earth who stared at Luna.


"ok." Luna avert his gaze to the cabinet's, crawling on top of a chair, opening and reaching into a cabinet for red food dye. Once his hands got ahold of the condiment, he hopped off the chair, immediately popping the lid off the dye, squirting the liquid into the batter.

Once he thought it was enough, they placed the food coloring next to the bowl, whisking the mixture anew. Their eyes darted to the buttermilk carton that sat on the side, begging for someone to notice it. Luna hummed, grabbing the beaker from before and pouring two hundred forty milliliters of the milk before he splashed it into the bowl.

Luna cracked a smile, setting the carton and beaker down as he continued to mix the batter. Earth appeared next to him with a rectangular pan, buttered paper painting the surface of the tray. "That looks good." Gaia commented, tapping the countertop with his nails. Lunar nodded, lifting the bowl over the tray, steadily pouring the batter into the pan, they watched as the substance spread around the enclosed area, layers of the mix pooling over each other. Lunar kept his hand over the tray until all the mix was gone— Or until the bowl was empty enough. Once finished, he put the bowl on the counter, Gaia taking the pan up and setting it into the oven.

Luna let out a long heavy exhale, leaning back as he started to clean the bowl with his finger, tasting the batter. The navy blue haired adult stared at his actions, scoffing. "I want some of that too!" Earth giggled, moving closer to Luna, taking a few dabs of the batter and tasting it. "Momma, I started licking it first sstoop-" The door opened.

Luna and Earth look at each other before averting their gazes to the doorframe. "..Mars?" Earth called out. His guess was confirmed with the voice of his partner ringing through his ears. "Yeah, I'm comin.'" Earth squealed, rushing out the kitchen.

Outside the kitchen was Mars, Phobos and Deimos. Mars was browsing his device before he shut it off, looking up to face Earth. They smiled, "Hey, hun." Earth pecked his cheeks, giving Mars a hug. "Me and Luna are makin' Red Velvet, you want?" The taller individual spoke sweetly. Ares scoffed. "Duh- What you think this is?" He snickered.

Unknown to him was that Phobos and Deimos had bolted into the kitchen and were terrorizing Luna for the 'crumbs' of batter. "Egh- Go away you fa-!" "NnooOOO!" Phobos clung onto Luna's forearm, Deimos hugging his leg. "GIVE US SOME, NOW!!" The shorter of the two whined, tightening his grip onto Lunar. "NO!" The older male shook his leg, forcing Deimos to slip off. "Mph- MOOMM!!" They cried, lifting the bowl above their head.

"Which one?"

"IT DON'T MATTER?? THESE TWO PARASITES ARE BUGGING ME!!" Lunar hollered, pushing Phobos and Deimos from him. "WE WANT ICING!" The two pet peeves pouted. Mars cooed, stepping into the kitchen. "Icing?" He grinned as Luna shook their head frantically. "NUH UH! THIS AIN'T ICING, AND, YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANY!" They screamed, pushing past the three people and out into the living room. However, that didn't stop Phobos and Deimos from following him.


About three hours later, the cake was ready. Earth had shared four platters of the dessert, watching intently as his family ate. He was distant and uneasy; something was wrong. Mats noticed that.

"Earth?" Mars looked up at the taller adult with worry. "Everything good, dude?" They questioned, taking ahold of Gaia's hand. "Mhm.." Gaia responded, glimpsing the other way. "Is my cooking good?" He asked out of the blue, a hint of desperation laced his voice. Ares was surprised to say the least, a soft chuckle escaping his lips as he squeezed Earth's hand. "Babe, Your cooking is more than good. In fact, it's the best, ever." Mars comfort, planting a kiss on the back of Earths palm. "Mark my words," He looked away. "Now go eat that cake." They beamed up, content.

Earth flashed a smile of his own, allowing Mars to drag him towards the dining table where the family of five DEVOURED the Red Velvet cake.

Interesting flavor.

I have exams guys....idk if I'll be able to post frequently,,
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