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Name: Ji-Yeon Kim

Age: 22


Rank: Yiho (Captain)

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Rank: Yiho (Captain)

Unit: 39th Volunteers' Brigade, C. Company

Hair: Brown with cat ears (no tail.)


Born in 1922 from a Peasant Family, Ji-Yeon grew up in a family of activists and freedom Fighter, Her Father, a former Business Man turned Guerrilla Fighter was executed by Fusoan Imperial Troops in 1928, By 1940 at 18 Ji-Yeon would run away to Shanghai, then to Nanjing, Linking up with other Korean exiles, here she would enlist and due to her family's background and her Father being High up and a Martyr, would end up with Ji-Yeon becoming a Second Lieutenant, by 1941, As the KLA Formed, and the Volunteer Corps Disbanded into the 39th Volunteers' Brigade, she fought a bloody campaign against Neuroi and Fusoan troops, espically on the way to Korea, By Late 1944, 22 Year Old Ji-Yeon would be made Captain (Yiho) and given command of C. Company, Now she is tasked with working alongside the 501st as the Zhongguoan-Korean Forces move towards Chosen where our Story begins with her.


Name: Eun-Ji Choi

Age: 16

Looks: Blonde Hair with Cat ears, wears a Pilot Uniform most the time otherwise the KLA Officer Uniform (based off the NRA one)

Looks: Blonde Hair with Cat ears, wears a Pilot Uniform most the time otherwise the KLA Officer Uniform (based off the NRA one)

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Rank: Xiao Wei / Ilwi (First Lieutenant) - ROCAF | 501st JFW - Flight Lieutenant

Main Weapon: .50 Caliber M2 Browning Machine Gun

Unit: 3rd Fighter Group, 1st Air Wing, ROCAF (Formerly)

Striker Model: P-40E (For reference find the P-40 Striker Unit on SW or fanart to see what it is also to know what plane search up ROCAF P-40E)


Born in 1927 to the Choi Family, Eun-ji was Abandoned in an Orphanage in Shanghai, due to being related to a Gramdmother who in turn was a Witch, she had Powers, and after the Neuroi Invasion of Zhōngguó, followed by Fuso's invasion which landed in Shanghai, eventually pushing the ROC all the way back, with a stalemate however nothing would happen, skipping ahead, in 1942 at 15, She became the Youngest Volunteer and landed in the Zhongguo Air Force's 3rd Fighter Group made up of Witches either from Liberion or Zhongguo.

After her stint and graduation of the Officer's Air Academy in late '42, She would at first become a Second Lieutenant, by 1944 she had reached First Lieutenant and on the account of her Kills of 44 Neuroi and 21 Nips, would be handpicked and granted to join the 501st, Now Operating in Fuso unaware her old Friend from her days as a street rat was fighting for their Independence.

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