The Heron's Journey through the Ni...by Fuyumi Asaki
In 1937, the Fuso Sea Incident took place. A mere two years later, the Second Neuroi War had begun. But, what happened to the first?
In June 1914, destruction rained upo...
Skibidi toilet Enter the Multivers...by -=[o.W.n]=- Captain rex
This is the remake series of Skibidi toilet enter the multiverse, but instead making a full movie
Strike Witches: Adventure In Anoth...by Raditya Fajri Ramadhan
this story is not related to another story
Several characters from Transformers, World in Conflict and others will be featured
strike witches: skies unknown rebo...by lockheed henesy
after the drone war trigger recruits new team of LRSSG. they encounter a raven that made a portal sucked in strider team & awacs long caster to another world
Strike Witches X Male Isekai Strik...by TheOmegaLife
Y/N L/N is a young soldier. He joined the military when he was 15. He fought in his world for the soviet army against the german soldiers in Stalingrad. During a battle...
ace combat 7: project destroyer Co...by lockheed henesy
2 years before the events of the lighthouse war, death of a underdog ace/ younger brother of cipher shocked ustio. osea acknowledged their cry & decided to begin new pro...
World Witches: Arctic Circleby Canterian International Defen...
May 9th, 2042; The day after the end of World War Three and the surrender of Germania, which was analogously named the 5th Reich, as officially designated by the Organiz...
strike witches butai hasshin: skie...by lockheed henesy
the comedy side of strike witches & ace combat 7 crossover.
strike witches: skies unknown buta...by lockheed henesy
film version. Before world witches: skies unknown completed
Strike Witches: Unexpected Summoni...by Canterian International Defen...
As the year of 2027 rolled around, the world was going through a period of conflict as the United States, China, and a far-eastern nation named New Canteria were all in...
dxd: skies unknown Alternate volum...by lockheed henesy
half a year ago. new alicorn still runs amok. new captain edger Saxon teams up with kokabiel. rias (hills) gremory & lex hills destroyer callsign whiplash 1 will hunt th...
Strike Witches Adventure in Anothe...by Raditya Fajri Ramadhan
Is a continuation of the story of Strike Witches Adventure in Another Universe Vol 1
RWBY: The Soldier Of Remnantby Spider-Man
After the Final battle against Hydra against Allied and Witches, Adam sacrifice to save his home and dive down in the Arctic sea, one day he was found and brought in the...
Reader's Characters Information An...by Enterprise-sama
the title pretty much said it all this is your information about you guys in different universe
strike witches: skies unknown vol...by lockheed henesy
adventure continues as 501st lrssg & mobius 1 returned for new missions kicking it into highgear
Strike Witches: The First Avengerby Spider-Man
Adam Miyafuji is the adoptive son of Ichiro and adoptive older brother of Yoshika. Adam was from Liberion and lost his family in Neuroi. Adam wanted to joins the war to...
strike witches: skies unknown the...by lockheed henesy
they returned once again new neuroi threat a new witch member new lrssg member.
strike IS: skies unknown Completed by lockheed henesy
(don't own that picture) what would happened infinite stratos meets world witches. with a twist. lets see is aces led by ruler of infinite stratos houki shinonono hersel...
Strike Witches: The Wizard's of th...by dieHero
How will the world of Strike Witches, react to me and Andy, coming into their world with knowledge, skill, and determination?
strike witches wingman volume 2 Co...by lockheed henesy
there back again. monarch, new crimson 1, sapphire 1, sapphire 8, sapphire 4, sapphire 3 are gonna get married soon to minna, lynette, trude, eila, hanna, & shirley.