Chapter 9- Jooyeons ex {pt 1}

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Jooyeon and Gaon were really early to school today because they couldn't sleep at night so they came to school instead. After 30 or 40 minutes the school started getting crowded as the students are coming in, Gunil had arrived with Seungmin. "Hey!! How was last night" Seungmin said "Not good" Jooyeon said as he rolled his eyes making Seungmins smile fade away since he thought Jooyeon had gotten annoyed by him, Gunil and gaon also had thought that Jooyeon got annoyed at Seungmin so it got really upsetting for Seungmin as he didn't want to be there around Jooyeon if he hated him so much. After Jungsu and Junhan arrived all 6 had sat on the table chatting until the bell would ring. Seungmin had stayed quiet the whole time since he didn't wanna annoy Jooyeon anymore "Guys i gotta go i need to talk to the music teacher i probably wont be back because the bell is gonna ring." Seungmin said as he left. Gaon and Gunil had looked at each their worried as they both knew the real reason to why Seungmin left. The bell rang and they all went to their classes, Jooyeon, Junhan, Goaon and Seungmin had the same class which was English. The three (Gaon, Junhan and Jooyeon) walked together to English without Seungmin because they thought he would already be there. As they arrived to class they all took a seat leaving one next to them empty for Seungmin but as Seungmin came late he apologised to the teacher and went off to sit at the back. Junhan got confused on why he didn't sit with them so he asked gaon "what's wrong" Junhan whispered "he thinks Jooyeon is annoyed from him" Gaon whispered back as the teacher told them to shut up and listen. Jooyeon hadn't realised that Seungmin isn't with them. Jooyeon didn't have the energy to laugh and talk in class today as he barely got any sleep, the class stayed quiet today.

After both first two periods had ended, it was finally break, They all met up in the same spot they usually sit in but Hye Kwan and his friends had sat on that spot but Gunil had decided not to start a fight so instead they sat on another table but Hye Kwan had interrupted again. Now it had changed because Hye kwans group had gotten bigger it seemed as if there was another person in the group, which sadly was true, it was Jooyeons "ex" who is named Yijin. Hye Kwan and Yijin have rocked up at the others table "Hey" Yijin says as he looks at jooyeon who is so surprised that Yijin is back "wait you're back? I thought you said you wont ever come back?" Jooyeon says "yea.. I know its just all my friends and everything I have is here so I'm sorry i know you don't wanna see me but i promise i wont bother you" Yijin says looking upset since he still likes jooyeon and jooyeon is also one of the reasons he had came back. "Who are you?" Gunil asks "Jooyeons ex boyfriend!" Gaon and Junhan shout as gaon got slapped hard in the face by jooyeon "it was junhan too" Gaon said whispering trying to look all upset as junhan is smiling, making jooyeon smile at him as well. "Where's your other friend huh?" Hye Kwan says jokingly knowing seungmin isnt here. "He's hanging out somewhere else why do you even care" jungsu says "oooo sorry somebody woke up grumpy. Why's that did you not sleep well or did you find out your crush doesn't like you back?" Hye Kwan says "what are you even talking about?" Jungsu says surprised Hye Kwan even knew his crush "what crush?" He said "oh you wouldn't like me saying his name when he's here, would you now?" Hye Kwan makes jungsu mad "shut the fuck up, you fucking slut" jungsu swears at him as things get more complicated, Hye Kwan gets pissed off "calm down" Yijin says "did you hear him?" Hye Kwan whispered to Yijin "i did, calm down tho" he answered. "Jungsu I don't wanna start a fight but you know that the boy you like doesn't and never will like you, right gaon?" Hye Kwan says revealing jungsu's crush in front of everyone. Seungmin came up to them "what's wrong" seungmin whispered to Gunil "Hye Kwan told them all that jungsu likes Gaon" Gunil whispered back answering seungmins question "you need to tell me about all the details later" seungmin whispers again "ofc i will" Gunil whispered. Hye Kwan is laughing as everyone is shocked about what had happened just now, Yijin is simply smiling as he then looked at jooyeon who looked upset, Yijin had known that jooyeon had liked gaon for his whole life although he didn't complain because he loved jooyeon. "I'm sorry if i just had exposed your crush after all I'm pretty sure it was obvious. Well maybe not to gaon cuz he's pretty stupid but I'm pretty sure he knew" Hye Kwan apologises fakely. Gaon rolls his eyes at what Hye Kwan had said about him but jooyeon laughes and says "he called you stupid" gaon didn't say anything back he only looked at jooyeon then away.

After what had happened the bell rang as they all made their way to their classes. (They all had music class) "Hello students today i will talk about the new assessment that is coming up and due next week" The teacher addressed as soon as the students came in. "We have an assessment?" Gaon said "Yes now quit complaining, class had just started sit down and make sure I don't hear you or neither of your friends trying to distract my class, Understood?" The teacher said as she turned around to start "what is she talking about we never distract her class" Jooyeon said as both gaon and junhan stood on there spot looking back at jooyeon as they knew who was the distractor "Okaay keep walking dogs" jooyeon said "stfu" junhan said as the teacher heard it "you think it's appropriate to say things as such in my class?!" "Sorry Miss!" Junhan apologised immediately "Students today as I told you earlier that we have an assessment, you wont be working on that for this week because as for this week you're first test in music this year will be also next week so today i will help you revise for it" the teacher said as someone knocked on the door "come in!" She says as Gunil and seungmin enter "why are you late?" The teacher asks "we had to go to the office" seungmin answers "where's jungsu why isn't he here?" She asks as both of them don't know what to say "i think he's coming" seungmin answers as Gunil stays quiet the whole time. After seungmin and Gunil sat down, jungsu enters. "Why were you late?" The teacher says as she got disturbed by someone else who is not jooyeon "i forgot my bag at the office so i had to go get it back" jungsu answers as he's out of breath "go sit down" the teacher addresses as jungsu follows the instructions. "AAAAAH" jooyeon screams as both junhan and gaon are laughing "WHATS WRONG BOYS?!" The teacher says as she walks up to them "sorry miss someone hit me and i wasn't paying attention to them so i got both scared and hurt" jooyeon explains trying to act innocent "who hit him?" The teacher says, gaon and junhan start pointing at each other "if you don't wanna tell it's all fine. You will both be moved away from him." She says "can you please give us another chance?" Gaon asks "no i gave you way to many chances. Junhan get up you will sit next to Leah" The teacher says and junhan doesn't do anything but instead he stands up and follows the teachers instructions. "And gaon you sit next to jungsu and I don't want to hear anything" she says as they all be seated and she begins talking. "Today two other students have joined this class." Hye Kwan and Yijin enter the class as the teacher announces to the students that they will be in their class from now on. "Hye Kwan go and sit where jungsu and gaon are sitting and Yijin you're seat will be next to Jooyeon and boys make sure that you sit there every day until i give you a seating plan". Jooyeon didn't like where he was sitting so he asked the teacher if she can move Junhan or gaon either one back next to him and she decided to move both of them back but if they misbehave one more time she will move them again.

After a long day at school today Jungsu decided to go home for the night because he didn't want to go to his dorm after what had happened with Hye Kwan. "Hey mom" jungsu says as she opened the door for him "what happened I thought you're supposed to stay in your dorm for school days and you only be here on Sunday and Saturday?" She asks him as she notices that he is upset "I asked if i can come home for today I'm sorry" jungsu apologises "no sweetie dont be sorry, you can come whenever you like" she says to him "thanks mom, I'm gonna go to my room now" he says as he walks to his his room "dont you wanna eat first?" She asked "No thanks I've already eaten!" He shouted from across the room.

[Jooyeon and Gaon's dorm]

"Today was so annoying bro" Jooyeon said as he jumped on the bed "is it because you're boyfriend came" Gaon said as he sat next to him
"What? I dont even care about him and he isn't my boyfriend fyi." - J
"Why'd you get surprised when u saw him tho?" - G
"Because he said he's gonna move schools and he wont ever come here again because of the fight that happened between us" - J
"Well you have to sit with him in music and might as well at lunch" — G
"At lunch???" - J
"Yeah him and junhan are friends, remember?" - G
"I forgot about that bro" - J
"Yeah well good luck" - G

Im sorry for publishing this very late but tbh i have no motivation to post anymore but I'll make sure to finish this fanfic. Tysm for reading and supporting my first fanfic

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