Chapter 18- Chance

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Suho or as some know him in name of Hye Kwan went to jooyeon and gaons dorm but he was very nervous that he stopped so many times before he reached to their dorm. As he knocked on the door, Jooyeon opened it, never thinking suho would be at their dorm. "Suho? What do you want?" Jooyeon asked as he got disgusted by the sudden appearance of suho. "Hey, uh, i wanted to ask if gaons here or did he leave?" Suho answered as he stuttered every word that had come out of his mouth. "It's 6 in the morning. we're getting ready for school. Why'd you come so early?" Jooyeon said."Can i talk to gaon now then?" Suho said."I haven't managed to wake him up yet. Can't you talk to him in school?" Jooyeon rubbed his eyes."Oh, yeah, sure. See you at school, " he left "bye i guess?" Jooyeon said, closing the door. "GAON WAKE UP ALREADY YOUVE PISSED ME OFF!" Jooyeon yelled as he slapped the back of gaons head. "Bro can you once wake me up in the morning like an actual human?" Gaon said annoyed "if you sleep like an animal then that's how you get treated" he smiled at him sarcastically, Gaon rolled his eyes and went to get ready.

As they were walking to school, they saw seungmin, he looked tired and upset. They wanted to walk with him to school but he was a bit far and had headphones on, the didnt wanna bother him or anything so they decided to walk and not interrupt him as he was doing something on his phone.

Jooyeon, Seungmin and gaon were waiting for Gunil and Junhan to arrive at school but they took so long. They kept waiting but when the bell rang they all had to leave.

As they were half way through music they saw Gunil and Junhan arrive late.

"Miss sorry were late my ceiling fell down and i called junhan so he could help because seungmin left early" gunil explained "Tell the office, they can bring someone to fix it" the teacher said as she pointed to the tables suggesting to sit.

"Gaon, I forgot to tell you, but suho came to our dorm this morning, and he said he wanted to talk to you," jooyeon whispered, trying not to get the teachers attention "why?" Gaon asked."I'm not sure."

As music class ended, Junhan, Jooyeon, Seungmin and Gaon were making their way to science class until suho came up to them "Can I talk to you? It'll be really quick" suho asked gaon sounding very nervous. "yeah, sure" gaon says as they walk away.

"I wanted to ask if you have anything today?" Suho said "We were gonna hang out together in gunil and junhans dorm after school but their ceiling broke so I don't think we'll be able to go" gaon said as suho just nodded "well if it's cancelled then can we hang out after school?" Suho asked "I don't know? I'll tell you if I can" gaon said as he left trying to reach up with his friends. Yijin walked up to suho and got surprised because he saw suho so happy "Hey, why you smiling?" Yijin asked "Gaon said we might be able to hang out after school" suho said very fast "well you can't go" yijin said "Why?" Suho's smile dropped "You're dad, remember? He's coming home today. He doesn't let you go out with anyone" yijin reminded suho "oh shit, I forgot. Why didn't you tell me earlier. What the fuck do I tell him" suho regretted it. "Let's go, think about this later," yijin said, grabbing suhos hand.

[School ended]

Jooyeon and Gaon were walking to their dorm "what did suho tell you" jooyeon asked "nothing he just asked if we could hang out after school"
"But you know that we're hanging out with gunil and junhan"
"I know, I told him I'll tell him later"
"Okay, also did you ask seungmin why he looked upset today morning"
"No I didn't really talk to him today, he was quite" they went to their dorm talking the whole way.

As suho got home he cleaned his room and sat down in the living room waiting for gaons reply.

He decided to sneak out before his father would come home because if his father came home then suho wouldn't have any chance in escaping.

He left the house and sat near a playground. In a while he received a message.

Dad- Son, I'll be home in an hour. Make sure the house is clean.

He left his dad on read as he didn't know what to answer him with. He kept waiting for gaons' message. He stood up and started walking around. As he received a message he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

Gaon- Suho, I can't hang out with you today.

Suho got upset seeing the message but now that he can't hang out with gaon what's his excuse for not being at home. He wanted to rush into going home but he received another message from his father.

Dad- Where are you?

He ran home trying to think of an excuse but he didn't find any. He opened the door to his home just to see his father drunk, he wasn't alone he had another woman with him. His dad was always a cheater so he got used to it. His mother died when he was very young and ever since that his dad would always have a different woman over. "Dad I'm sorry I wasn't home" he said to his dad trying to take his dads attention "get in you're I'll deal with you tomorrow" he said all drunk and sweaty. Suho got in his room sighed and just layed on his bed.

Suho- When can we hang out then?

I don't know -Gaon

Suho: Good night

Thanks guys so much for you're support hope you enjoy and have a great day!

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