The Final Letter

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Dear Amaryllis,

There are only so many ways that I can reassure you before you give up. I tell you time and time again that I love you. Why don't you believe me? What have I done that would make you think otherwise? I try to show you that I care about you every day of my life. I love you with all of my being. I just don't get why you don't believe me. There is nothing that I want more than to be able to say goodbye to you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you but I know now that I can't. I love you I really hope that after I'm dead and you get this that you'll realize how much I love you.

Remember that even after I'm gone I'll always love you and watch over you from heaven. But just remember there are only so many times that I can save you before it's too late. I hope that you don't take me passing too hard. I want you not to dwell over the fact that I'm not here to hold you when you cry or that I'm not here to hum you to sleep at night. Instead I want you to go and live your life. Please for me, go and find someone who will make you smile when you want to cry, who will hold you tight at night and sing you to sleep, and most of all go find someone who will love you like no one else can.

You're an amazing girl and you deserve the best. I'm sorry that you had to see me like this. I'm sorry for all the broken promises that I'm leaving. I want to do all the things that we never could; to go out and see the world like we've always dreamed of doing together. I want you to experience life before it's too late. I wish you the best and I love you. Truly and forever.



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