3rd person pov

The girls arrived at Yunjin's house n Eunbi n Sakura offered to order the food while the other girls set up everything.

French fries, hamburgers, pizza n what else do u girls want? - Sakura asked.

Sushi pls- Rei shout

I'm glad u get along with the girls- said Sakura, hugging her friend.

It's not as bad as I thought- Eunbi responded.

It makes me happy to see u happy, I like it better when u smile, u look prettier if u smile- Sakura admitted.

Should I be jealous?-Yunjin asked, laughing.

No, no, not at all- Eunbi said quickly

Don't worry, Eun, it also makes me happy to know that u get along well w my idiot friends - said Yunjin.

Idiots who? - Seeun asked.

U- Sakura said, laughing.

I'm going home, I won't be long- said Eunbi.

What r u going for?-Sakura asked.

For a change of clothes n if u want something to drink- said Eunbi.

I'll accompany u to steal some pants n something to drink- Sakura said, laughing.

Ash, come on Kkura- said Eunbi.

Can I go?- Hyewon asked.

Uhm, ofc- Eunbi said, extending her hand to Hyewon, which she gladly took.

Isn't ur house far away Eunbi? - Jihyo asked.

Oh gays, ur idiots she lives 2 blocks from here I think - Sakura said laughing n Yunjin looked at her giving her signs which she immediately understood.

Yk something, it's far away for me, I better steal one from my girlfriend, go now so it doesn't take long - Sakura said pushing the couple out of the house

They're a little strange- said Hyewon.

Don't mention it- Eunbi said giggling.

Cute- Hyewon thought.

The girls were on their way to Eunbi's house holding hands until they realized that it started to rain so they started running n the rain got worse.

Eunbi guided Hyewon to her house n opened the door quickly because it was cold  n they were going to get sick.

I'm cold- Hyewon exclaimed quickly n Eunbi, without thinking, decided to hug her.

Better?- Eunbi asked.

Yes, much better- Hyewon responded into Eunbi's chest.

They separated n Hyewon made a perfect O with her mouth when she saw Eunbi's house.

Do u live here with ur parents?- Hyewon asked, surprised.

Alone, they're never at home- Eunbi responded as she headed to her room.

Follow me- Eunbi said from above n they both entered the room.

Clothes for Sakura, drinks n u- Eunbi said, pointing at Hyewon with pity.

Me?- Hyewon asked, laughing.

Take some clothes, I can't let you stay in wet clothes- Eunbi admitted.

Take the sweatshirt u want and some pants too- said Eunbi, looking out the window.

Rlly?- Hyewon asked.

Mjum- Eunbi said n Hyewon hugged her happily.

Thnx uuuuuu- Hyewon said effusively.

Wow, there're too many sweatshirts- Hyewon exclaimed, seeing which one to choose.

Yellow, Red, Purple, Blue wow this black one with a snake looks like Taylor Swift n her album Reputation - Hyewon exclaimed happily

Can I use this one? - Hyewon asked n Eunbi nodded smiling.

N these pants would be good- Hyewon said, taking some gray pants.

Eunbi was taking some necessary things while she unconsciously started humming a Taylor Swift song which did not go unnoticed by the swiftie.

Do you like Daylight? - Hyewon asked.

Ehm, it's just that, u, u recommended that I listen to Taylor, n I, uhm, listened to several of her songs n this was my favorite - Eunbi admitted sadly.

Hyewon hugged Eunbi n looked into her eyes in a very sweet n tender way.

I dont wanna look at anything else now that I saw u- Hyewon said n Eunbi blushed.

Eunbi finished grabbing the things she was occupying n took Hyewon to the kitchen so they could grab the drinks.

Do u also like caprisuns? - Hyewon asked, laughing.

A little- Eunbi responded shyly

Take it if you want- Eunbi said n Hyewon took one n started drinking it.

Eunbi packed soft drinks, alcohol n capri sun for Hyewon

Ready, let's go- Eunbi said.

Looks like we're going to get a little wet- said Hyewon.

No- Eunbi said as she took Hyewon's hand n led her towards her truck.

We won't get wet- Eunbi said as she opened the passenger door for Hyewon to enter.

Thanx- Hyewon said smiling

Eunbi enter her truck n started driving towards Yunjin's house

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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