04 | Tonight

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The noise, the chatter, and the peaceful ambiance of it all still failed to take your attention away from the sorcerer sitting across the table from you. One beer in and giddy off an electrifying buzz, he was still your focus.

You craved to know more about him and couldn't understand why. Even if he was captivating and refused your request to buy him a drink and bought all of your drinks instead, you were still on edge. Still defiant, still suspicious.

Maybe you weren't wrong in assuming he wanted more from you. Whether it was your abilities or your body, a part of you was willing to indulge in either. One was for your brother's future, and the other was for pleasure. Selfishness from either of you would undoubtedly bring destruction, so an agreement had to be made. But that was hasty. Regardless, you would make him writhe.

Was that normal? Was it normal for you to feel this way, to wish for more but also play the same game?

The bar was buzzing with countryside locals. Being a resident of Tokyo, you felt slightly out of place but were able to notice a few others who were also newcomers. Even if it was a Friday night, you were still surprised to see so many people inside the nameless bar Gojo brought you to.

You brought the second drink to your lips, indulging in the refreshing taste. The night was only starting, yet you were feeling a buzz. You were out of your element for sure, already flustered by arriving at an unfamiliar place with an incredibly attractive man.

The eyes of women on him and you were no distraction, only a nuisance.

"If you really think I can help Yuji, I accept." You shrugged.

"It's not just him you would be helping," Gojo assured, "You would help me too..." He paused, chewing on the inside of his lip with uncertainty. Would it be wise to tell you? His reasons were selfish. To discover such a unique and untouched cursed ability was a blessing in itself, and you were inexperienced and unaware of the target you would soon have on your back if you decided to work with him. He would keep you in the dark if you were any other person. That's what he usually did. But when you looked at him like this, with such curiosity and hope in your eyes, he could not hide the truth from you.

Instead, he wanted you to know everything. Not just about him but the entire world you had minimal information about.

You raised an eyebrow, placing your now-finished cocktail glass against the wooden table. The sound snapped him out of his daze, making him realize a few minutes had passed in silence. You hadn't interrupted him but instead watched him struggle internally, knowing he was battling with something to admit.

Gojo stared at you, thankfully through the shield of his blindfold, and absorbed your undying spirit. The same aura he felt in your younger brother. "I don't want to be selfish with you, but your cursed abilities are rare and can be beneficial to not just me, but others I don't trust."

"So you're saying—"

"I want you all to myself—" Gojo practically blurted, his eyes widening as he realized how it sounded. He recovered quickly, though, "You report only to me, and in return, I train you, make you stronger."

"I thought so." You leaned forward with a smug expression on your face. Internally, you relished his slip-ups but knew they came from a genuine place. All you wanted him to know was that you weren't as oblivious as you appeared.


"I'm not an idiot, Gojo." You rested your chin in your hand, propped up by your elbow. "Why else would you be so interested in me?" You tilted your head to the bar, and then your eyes flickered down to the form-fit cashmere sweater you were wearing, purchased by him. "You're trying to butter me up for a proposal."

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