Chapter 1

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Years ago, Queen Clarion and Lord Milori fell in love. They were two different kinds of fairies. Clarion being a warm type fairy. And Milori being a winter fairy. They lived in different areas of Pixie Hollows and their climates were too much for the other to tolerate. But as their love for each grew, they continued to see each other.

One unfortunate day, Milori broke a wing while they with each other. Clarion deemed it was too dangerous for the fairies to cross into each other's areas and declared it was forbidden. The two had to say goodbye.

That was, until Clarion realized she was pregnant. She had to tell Milori. During the time, the snowy owls were coming to pick up baskets to bring to the Winter Woods. Clarion sent a letter with one of the owls asking Milori to meet her at the border that evening.

When Clarion arrived at the border that evening, Milori was already waiting for her. They each walked to the edge of their side of the border.

"Clarion, what are you doing here?" Milori asked. "You realize you're breaking your own rule."

"Well, we aren't crossing the border, are we?" Clarion said. "Plus, I had to see you."

"What's is it, Clarion?" Milori asked, concerned. "What's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant." Clarion answered with a soft smile.

Milori was quiet for a moment, taking in the news. He then pulled her close and kissed her. Clarion leaned into the kiss.

"That's wonderful news!" Milori said, after they pulled away.

"There's just one problem." Clarion said.

"The border. I know." Milori said. "We'll figure it out later. You just take care of yourself for now."

He leaned in for another kiss.

"I love you so much." Milori said.

"And I you." Clarion returned.

They both reluctantly moved back closer to their side of the border.

A couple months later, Clarion had a beautiful baby girl fairy. She had to let Milori meet her. Clarion had a feeling he would be waiting by the border. And she was right. When she had to the border, Milori was already there.

"So?" Milori asked.

"A girl." Clarion said.

"What's her name?" Milori asked.

"Charity." Clarion replied.

"That's a beautiful name." Milori said.

"There is something you should be aware of." Clarion said.

"What is it?" Milori asked.

Clarion showed Milori their daughter's broken wing. Milori gasped.

"She was born with it." Clarion said.

"I'm so sorry, Clarion." Milori said. "It's my fault she was born with a broken wing."

"It's not your fault, Milori." Clarion said. "Our love for her won't change just because she's different."

Milori nodded in agreement.

"Can I hold her?" He asked. Clarion gave Charity to him.

Milori was careful not to injure her wings more than they already were.

"We'll love her for who she is no matter what, but what about the other fairies?" He asked. "They won't see her as a true fairy."

"We'll make sure she feels accepted." Clarion said. "She can hide them with a cloak, like you, if she feels insecure about them."

"How will she get around?" Milori asked. "Most of what we do involves flying."

"Well, you found a way to get around." Clarion said, nodding to the owl standing by. "She can too."

"Who will she live with?" Milori asked. "My assumption is that her wings will be able to tolerate both climates, It will raise suspicion if she goes back and between the two areas."

"She can live with me until her talent choosing ceremony. If she chooses a winter talent, I'll send her to the Winter Woods." Clarion said. "That is, if you're alright with that arrangement."

It wasn't an ideal situation and one that Milori truly didn't want, but it was safer for their daughter to stay with only one of them full time.

"It'll have to do." He finally said. "For her safety."

"I'm truly sorry it has to be like this." Clarion said. "If I knew this was going to happen."

"Clarion, you did the right thing by making that decision. It's for everyone's best interest." Milori said. He sighed. "Even if it means I can't see our daughter. I'll know she's safe with you."

It made sense to him that Charity would stay with Clarion. Everyone where she lives would have known she was pregnant. The only person on his side that he had said something to was Dewey, also known as The Keeper.

Although, Milori was selfishly wishing that Charity would get a winter talent so he would be able to see her.

"I have something for her." Milori said as he handed her back to Clarion.

He took a snowflake necklace out of his pocket that matched one that was around his neck.

"It's beautiful, Milori." Clarion said, taking it.

Milori looked down at Charity.

"I love you so much, baby girl." He said, softly kissing her forehead before looking to Clarion. "And I love you. And I always will."

"We love you too." Clarion said.

Milori sighed. "You'll have to be the one to leave." He said. "I don't have the strength to walk away without wanting to take her with me."

Clarion hesitated herself. She certainly didn't like keeping their daughter away from her father. But, she finally flew off. Milori took off on his owl.

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