Chapter Six

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You, Mikasa, your boss, and Grisha Jaeger were all sitting at a round table in his office. He had called the three of you to discuss about the future business trip Mikasa had informed you about. Clearly you were anything but excited to go, but seeing as you were more of a new employee, you needed to set a good example for him.

Mr. Jaeger had just informed the two of you about the price of the ticket. It was a one way flight to Korea. The ticket was expensive.


"I'm sorry sir, but I'll be honest. I can't really afford that type of ticket." You embarrassingly admitted.

He smiled at your honesty, "Thank you for your honesty, Y/N. Lucky for you, we're able to fund for whoever cannot afford types of trips like these. Besides, we really need you."

Your boss scoffed under his breath.

"Thank you, sir," you beamed at him smilingly, "I'll do my best."

"See, Dad," Mikasa smirked, "I told you, she's the best thing that happened to us."

He chuckled, "Well, that's for her to decide. So, we're clear on the plans? Any further questions?"

Your boss raised his hand lazily with two fingers barley up.

"Yes, Levi?"

"Where will we be staying?" 

"Ah," Mr. Jaeger said, realizing he forgot that part. "You'll be staying in a hotel."

"A hotel?" You repeated, emphasizing the word. "One room?"

He nodded, "Yes, is that a problem?" He frowned. "It's a big one, so don't worry. We made sure. A king suite, if I remember correctly."


You didn't ever let Mr. Jaeger know about your relationship with your boss around him. He didn't know you guys loathed each other. But.. at least it was a big room. Maybe you could sleep on the couch. Yes, that's right, you'll do that.

You shook your head, "No, sir. It's perfectly fine." You faked a smile to seem more convincing. 

You glanced over at Mr. Ackerman, trying to read his expression. But, it was nothing. Blank. Like always.

"Well," Mr. Jaeger cleared his throat, "This concludes the meeting. Everyone is dismissed."

You abruptly got up and walked out the room with Mikasa.

"Mika." You sternly said. "You could've warned me."

She rolled her eyes, "If I did, you'd say no definitely. So, I didn't. See? It worked."

The two of you walked down to the main lobby together. On the other hand, Mr. Jaeger asked Levi to stay back. Nodding, he obidiently stayed back.

"Is there something going on between you and Y/N?" He immediately questioned.

Levi's eyes stayed the same bored expression. "No, sir. Nothing at all."

Unconvinced, he pushed again, saying, "Are you sure? She seemed quite disappointed you were staying in the same room."

"Well," Levi said, "She's always like that."

He sighed and said, "Right, then. You're dismissed. But if anything happens that can jeopardize your relationships, please let me know. But of course, try to avoid that. We need the two of you."

"Yes, sir." Levi nodded.

"Alright. You're dismissed."

Following suite, Levi stood up and exited the room. Taking a breather, he damned you for being such a petty person. He truly believed that he had done nothing wrong, and you were just at him because of a wrong first impression.

𝚏𝚕𝚊𝚠 (𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜) Ϟ Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now