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date writen: february 28th, 2024
date published:
word count: 1453  (GODDAM BRUH)
(not proof read)
|| clingy matt core 😍 (kind of a long one so strap in?)
     it was a very slow  friday, when you woke up to someone, what felt like, trying to be in your skin. you slowly open your eyes to the sight of your adorable boyfriend, matt.

"hunny what are u doing?" you asked  him with a giggle.
"nothing i just wanna cuddle" matt says still squirming to be closer to you.

he ends up settling down on top of you with his head in the crook of your neck. you slowly start to play with his hair and run your nails up and down his back. you both sat like this is a comfortable silence for a while until he finally spoke up.

"i love you y/n" he says lightly kissing your  neck.
"i love you too mathew" you respond laughing as his stubble ticked your neck with each kiss.
"please never leave me i love  you so much." he says looking up at you.
" of course i won't baby. i love you so much. always and forever." you respond in a consented tone but you didn't want to talk about  it to much with him in case he didn't want to.

you eventually get up and get ready for the day. it was friday so nick was finishing up some editing for the video that would need to be posted later that day.

"matt i'm gonna go see if nick needs  any help with the  edit for your guys video today." you say walking out of  his room.
"nooo stay with me and cuddle pleaseeee" he begs pulling u back into the room.
"maybe later  matt i promise i'm just going to check on him." you say pulling from his grip.

he finally lets go with a pout and you walk up stairs to his brother nicks room.

"hey nickkk" you say walking into his room seeing him in his chair editing the final touches of the video.
"oh hey y/nnnn" he says back glancing away to see  you.
"how's the edit?" you ask
"it's good i'm abt to be done" he responds with a smile.
"dude matt's being really really clingy this morning idk why. he keeps telling me he loves me and being super close and touchy" you confess too nick
"oh weird. i wonder what's up. anyways i'm so hungry we should all do something when i'm done" he says
"oh yea.. uhm okay ima go ask matt and chris if they wanna come." you say exiting his room.

you walk down the stairs to chris' room knocking before entering (it's chris. who knows what's going on in there 😭) 

"chris? me and nick were thinking abt going to get something to eat and maybe go shopping wanna come?" you walk opening his door to reveal the boy sitting at his gaming chair.
"yea just let me know when we are leaving" he says not looking up from the screen.

you hum a quick mhm before closing the door and walking back upstairs to your lovely boyfriends room.
"hi baby" you say walking into the shared bedroom seeing him sitting on the bed on his phone.
"babyyy i missed you come cuddle now  pleasseee" he pleas pulling you into his hold:
"hunny i was going to see if me , you , nick , and chris could go out for lunch and maybe some  shopping at the mall?" you say looking up into his bright blue eyes.
"okay but can we just cuddle until they are both ready?" he asks laying down pulling you into his chest.
"ofc we can hunny" you reply with a giggle.

--- TIME JUMP ------- ( and a lot of cuddles later )

"hey guys we are ready " nick says walking into the room with to chris not too far behind.
"okay c'mon baby let's go" you say sitting up trying to pull matt up with you.

you all start walking down to the garage to the car when chris yells "SHOTGUN" while running to the front seat.
"NO CHRIS y/n gets front seat she's my girlfriend" matt says trying to pull his brother out of the car.
"it's okay matt really i can sit in the back with nick!!" you say getting into the back.

with a scoff from matt he walks to the driver seat and starts to drive to y/f/r (your favorite resterant) you all get inside and walk to a booth. matt pulls you to sit next to him and rests his hand on your thigh.

you started to thing about how clingy he was being today and how it was so odd because he normally was never like this. it seems like he wouldn't leave you alone today. god you couldn't  even pee by yourself.

once you all were done with eating, you started to walk around the mall that was next door. matt attached to your hip  you end up seperating from nick and chris.

you both are walking into a store with a dress you see that is TO DIE FOR. You have to try it on.
"anything for you baby. i'll pay" matt says hugging you pulling you as close as possible.
"no hunny i got it. i can't let you pay for me. let me try it on first" you say pulling your size off the rack.
you start to walk to a dressing room and try to let go of matt's hand. but you are deemed unsucksessfull.
"matt i need to try this on." you say looking at him
"okay let's go in" he said with a smile walking into the dressing  room.
"no hunny you need to wait out  here please" you say with a laugh pulling him out of the room.
"but- fine it will be like a surprise" he says smiling and getting comfortable in a chair.

you eventually get the dress on and you absolutely love it. you NEED  to show  matt.

"okay what do you think?" you say walking out of the room with a big smile. you do a twirl so he can get the full effect.
his eyes widen with love and he couldn't stop starting at yoy "w-wow. it's so beautiful." he says smiling at you pulling you in for a kiss.
"don't u think so? i really like it" you say pulling away. 
"i love you so much y/n. you are so beautiful" he says as you walk to the counter to buy the dress. you eventually caved and let him buy you the dress. (i mean i would too he's so cute what)

you then all meet back up at the car and  head home. with you in the front seat this time, per matt's request. once you got home matt picks you up out of the car bridal style and carries you into the house.

"matt!! what are  you doing " you say with a laugh.
he carries  you into his the bedroom and sets you onto it and jumps onto your chest and burys his head into your  neck.
you decided it was time to ask hi what's be been going on and why he's been so clingy.

"matt is everything  okay?" uoy and sitting up making  him slide off of you and sit up aswell.
"yes, why? he said grabbing your hand too fiddle with as you talk.
"well... you've just been acting more clingy today. like more then usually. like i can't even pee alone because you wanna  be with me. don't get me wrong i love you but i need some space.. at least when i pee."
you say looking him in the eyes.
"im sorry baby. idk i just feel like i haven't been showing you how much i really really love you. i just want to make sure  you feel loved." he says looking down at your fingers that he is playing  with.
"oh hunny i love you so much. of course i feel loved." you say pulling him into a hug with a big kiss.
"can we cuddle and watch a movie please?" he says after pulling away from the kiss.
"ofc we can't baby." you  say grabbing  the remote puting on the bench warmers. which is matt and yous favorite movie.


hi pookies it's me. sorry for the long one i fr havent writen anything  in like a year- hope you wnjoy!!! this was someone's request that i just found and i felt so bad leaving  them for a WHOLE YEAR. anyways i'm back bitches. GIVE ME IDEAS CUZ IDFK WHAT IM DOING!!!! love you all smmmm see you sooonnnnn.
love, nessa 🤍🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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