lily bitch

37 4 19



basically theres this girl. her name is lily. yeah i said it loud and proud idc if she sees this (she wont i can assure you) 


me and lily used to be best of friends, we hung out all the time, face timed, she ran away to mine once...

basically we were close.


she turned into a pick me.

thats not true

she never turned into one...

she always WAS one and i was just to blind to see it.

so lily would completely change up whenever a boy was there. like completely. she even called me a pick me in front of my friends (both girls and boys). well...

that backfired :)

the boys started looking at her like

bitch are you coocoo

my girlfriends were like

"thats not very nice" and i agreed obv

so anywyas there was never this massive argument to split us up it was mostly me realising who the fuck she rlly is and gradually moving away from her.

so everyone is happy, everyone moved away UNTIL

she confronts me...

and i obv stand my ground.

this how it went.. (bold is me bc im bold lol and normal lettering is her) this happened a few weeks back btw but i js wanted to share it

"bitch i honestly dont get why you had to make me being friends with boys such a big deal!!"

"ok pooks"

"omg can you stop youre really cringy like who says ok now? what is that a comeback?"

"well your stinky breath is clerly taking a comeback on you... is that a lice egg in your hair btw?" (yes, us british kids arent very kind)

she started screaming. all her 'boy friends' start taking the piss...


i remembered something....

"oh and didnt you used to date 3 boys at the same time?"

the world goes silent.

she screams some abuse and walks away...

not denying it tho

she left me alone ever since then and she doesnt have any boy friends now.

shes still a pick me tho

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