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📍 Brussels  — 2020

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📍 Brussels  — 2020

The morning breeze entered our room, chills on my skin letting me know a new day had begun. Last night was like a fever dream, one that I let my imagination take too much control over. I hated that I saw my mom that way, that I imagined it the way I did. A part of me still felt so embarrassed, though I knew Harry would never be one to judge me.

I rubbed my eyes, letting them flutter open to see the empty bed. Harry was probably up on a run and I was happy he had let me sleep in. I stretch along the soft sheets, reaching for my phone and reading the time hoping my nona would be awake already. I dialed her number quickly, turning flat on my back as I stared at the ceiling listening to the phone ring.

"I thought you didn't have a voice box anymore! Thought the Dutch might have taken it away," I heard my nona say the moment she answered, making me laugh.

"Nona, you're so dramatic. I've just been enjoying the free wind under my wings," I shrugged to myself, trying to not let her hear my morning sadness.

"Mmm, but - what's wrong? I know that tone anytime, any place," she quickly urged, because nothing ever got past Nona.

"Nothing serious, I promise. Last night I...I was out to dinner, I happened to look out the window, and there she was. Mum. Looking me dead in the face - and she just vanished. I know it sounds crazy, but I swear she was there, in the middle of the crowded street," I sighed, playing with the bedsheet, twisting it around my fingers.

"Oh, tesoro, I believe you. I wouldn't put it past your mum to spend her free time as a spirit haunting you. I think she would think it was a game, surprise she hasn't pulled my legs at night!" Nona laughed over the phone, making me join in with a light chuckle.

"You know, you are right, she would think she was a literal genius interfering with our lives in a ghostly manner. God I miss her," I closed my eyes, biting back tears. I knew I was going to cry the most this trip since her passing and I was beginning to fear I would run out of tears.

"I miss her too, Catalina, and I miss you so much baby. I feel lonely most days, you know? Of course, Ralph and the rest of the neighbors keep me entertained. Oh, Lina, you should have heard Simon and Cindy arguing about the laundry. Oh you would have loved to add your silly comments to that argument!" I heard her hand hit a flat surface as she cackled over the phone.

"Was it about the mix matched socks again? If so, I truly think that someone needs to tell Cindy that socks were never meant to match! It's a rarity that not many get to enjoy in life. I have only four matching pairs, the rest, brothers from other mothers!" I giggled, Nona sighing at me as she calmed her laughter.

"Always about laundry and him not trimming the hedges, even though they have a gardener!" I could just picture her eye roll as she spoke. Simon was literally the best husband and father, everyone in our little neighborhood knew that. He would always give me life advice and warm me about men and their dirty thoughts. He was part of the reason I never missed having a father.

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