Chapter 1 - Battement Arrondi

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Hey guys! I'm the author of the book 'sweet Cosette'. This is the first time writing a book so tips are always appreciated! Enjoy the book.

Chapter 1 - Battement Arrondi


"And up! 2... 3... 4... And up! 2... 3... 4... Ok ladies time for break." says the ballet teacher with a russian accent. We have been practicing for over an hour and it's the first break we're getting. My friend Lola walks toward her water bottle standing next to mine. She gives me a look of exhaustion and picks her water bottle up. I walk over to her and drink too. We know better than to talk during lessons. "Back to your places!" Miss Morolov says. Everyone walks back to their places and gets into first position.

After another hour the lesson is over. It was the last lesson of today so we got to go back to our dorms now. I walk toward the changing room where my school uniform lies for another hour of studie. My dad only lets me go to this school if I get 80% and above. He has a couple of rules that I need to follow or he will bring me back home to New Jersey. This is one of the most prestigious ballet schools and it's in France, Pirouette. I have been wanting to go here since one of my best friends from middle school got in at the age of 11. I was so jealous. I immediately submitted myself but there weren't any places available. When I was 14 I tried again and got in. My dad almost didn't let me go because it's so far away. My mom helped me convince him, so that's how I got in.

I quickly took a body shower and put on my uniform. I am waiting for Lola who also has to go to studie. She always takes so long in the shower. I sigh and yell "Come on Lola, we can't be late or else we will get detention!" "Yes, I know, just have a bit of patience." She says back. Two minutes later she comes out of the shower and puts on her clothes. We both redo our bun and walk towards the study hall. While we are walking I get a phone call from my dad. I walk a bit further away from Lola and answer the phone.

"Hey angel." Is the first thing I hear. "Hey dad. How are you?" I answer. He replies with "I'm doing good. How are you?"

"I'm also doing good. Why did you call?"

"You need to come home as soon as possible. I have a plane waiting for you at the nearest airport. Your mom and I are waiting there for you."

"But dad I can't just leave school grounds-"

"I called the school to let them know that you will be leaving for a bit."

7 hours later

I arrive back at home with my suitcases in hand. Dad didn't want to tell me why I needed to come back home on the way here, so I've just been a nervous wreck this whole flight. James, the house butler gently takes my suitcases out of my hand and says "Good evening miss Mercier." "Good evening James. Thank you for taking my suitcases." I respond formally. James says that it's no problem and walks towards the entrance of the mansion. My dad is helping my mom out of the car and walks hand in hand with her towards the trunk where he takes out the suitcases. James had given mine to my maid, Luciendra, and had already come back to help my dad with the suitcases. Dad and mom thank James and start to walk towards the big mansion doors. I follow behind them while I hear the driver drive away with the car.

My dad leads my mom to the living room so I follow suitly. We sit down and James asks if we want something to drink. My dad drinks a glass of rum, my mom a glass of sparkling water, and I drink a coke zero. "So. I guess you're wondering why you're here?" Dad starts the conversation. I nod and he goes on. "We have some bad news Blanche... You can't go back to France for ballet." "What?!" But dad, I followed all the rules, didn't I?" I retort. My mom answers with "Yes dear, but we decided that it's safest for you to stay here in New Jersey with us. Your dad has some stuff going on at work and we don't want to lose you." Her gentle voice calms me, I look down and say "Wh... Do I get to go to a ballet school here?" "No honey, there were little options and the options that you would have liked are all too far away." My mom answers with a sad face, "We have already enrolled you in a new college, a very good one. I'm sure you will make lots of friends there too." "Can I atleast go to an after school dance school, or not even that?" I ask. "Don't talk to your mom like that, and yes you can." He states. "We have some other bad news-" "Wait until tomorrow, Harold. The boys aren't even here yet." My mom interrupts my dad while taking a sip of her glass.

They tell me to go upstairs and unpack my bags. I'm so mad, why can't they just let me atleast go to a ballet school here? We had already eaten on the plane and with plane rides I always get super jet lagged so I go to sleep early today.

𐙚: Next morning

I wake up with my alarm around 8am. It's a house rule that you have to be awake before 9am, 10am if there is a legit excuse. (A legit excuse isn't going to a party all night). "Good morning miss Mercier, your parents are already down stairs eating breakfast. Should I tell them that you will join them in 10 minutes?" Lucienne, my maid, asks. "Yes thank you Lucienne, and please, call me Blanche." Lucienne has always been my maid, and everytime I tell her she can call me by my name she ignores the request. Dad says it has something to do with their training course and how they got punished for using first names, even with the other students. I think that is crazy. I put on my Victoria's Secret peignoir and go downstairs to the dinner table. "There she is, my beautiful daughter. Good morning dear." sang my mom. My mom is a morning person, just like me. "Good morning mom. Good Morning dad." I go up to my mom and give her a kiss on her cheek. I do the same for my dad who mutters goodmorning back while reading the local newspaper. My dad is not a morning person.

I'm telling my mom about how my lessons at school were going when the doorbell rings. "Ah I assume that's the boys." Dad says and stands up to open the door, before he opens the door he asks me to go to my room and put on my day clothes. I comply and go upstairs. And put on the clothes I had chosen before I went to sleep. I'm wearing a pink sweater made out of wool and basic medium baggy jeans. I put on some deodorant and perfume.

When I descend the stairs, two boys, roughly my age, and a man, are shaking hands with my dad. I resume my seat at the dinner table, observing the interactions. The first boy wears a white shirt peeking from beneath his gray sweater with bold black stripes. His pants, entirely black, hang a bit more loosely than mine. Behind him, the second boy stands, displaying an imposing figure adorned with numerous tattoos. The first boy glances at me and nods politely. As the house tour concludes, we all make our way back to the front door. Suitcases rest on the floor, presumably belonging to the boys.

The older man steps outside, leaving the boys behind. This marks the beginning of what feels like pure hell. Attempting to head to the library to research my new school, I notice both boys trailing me persistently. After a while, the realization sinks in that they won't cease their watchful presence—literally their job.

I ask them what their names are and they look at eachother and answer soon. "I'm Damien & this is Felix. Look Cosette, we aren't here to play games. You will do as we say, it's for your own safety." Damien states, I was a bit shocked by his words that I take a quick step back.


So that was chapter 1! hope you enjoyed it.


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