Chapter 1: Fake Mario Sparkle

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Buddy: "I don't think, where did he go?"

Mario Sparkle: "Hey love, it's a me Mario"

Buddy: "Oh my gosh! You're looks so different!? I'm so embarrassing"

Mario Sparkle: "I know. Come to kiss me~"

They going to first kiss
In behind, Real Mario is really sad and run away

In Buddy's room

Mario Sparkle: "I like my gender has changed from Teahie"

Buddy: "Yeah"

Mario left and Buddy stay in the room.
She felt confused about who left behind of me.
Suddenly, she her got idea. She planned to seeing Mario with special school almet at nighttime
In the nighttime, she will draw a plan first on her diary before she going
She wearing headphone and jumped though the window.

First plan:
"Go to School of friendship, to get school almet, go ask Greenie first to steal it
(But I can't do that)"

Second plan:
"After that, bring the school almet to Rarity and resew it as vampire like costume (Just the collar)"

Third plan:
"Find Diana's house"

And she found Diana's house, go enter and there's a cat runs away and she saw it. She going to Diana's room and she open the door

Buddy: "..."

Mario Sparkle & Diana Luigi: "..."

Close the door and she drops the school almet
In the room

Mario Sparkle: "Shafira? Did drop this school almet? For what?"

Diana Luigi: "Shafira? Wait the minute!? Why didn't you call Buddy?

Mario Sparkle: " *Gasp and close his mouth* Because I..."

Outside of the room

Shafira: "Shafira? My name is really Shafira??"

Shafira shocked about what happen. She knows her real name but the fake Mario isn't. It was a fake.

Shafira: "Mario.... I love you..."

Shafira: "Goodbye..."

Once the last word, next day in sunset

Shafira: "How I jump so high?"

Shafira: "Aw... I am little bit afraid to jump... but I cannot afraid!"

Shafira tries to jump so high and almost

Shafira: "Mario!"

Mario Sparkle: "Shafira!? How did you get up there??"

Shafira ambush Mario

Shafira: "..."

Mario Sparkle: "Shafira, what happen?"

Shafira: "Mario, you're not a girl, you're a boy"

Mario Sparkle sobbing and crying

Shafira: "Ssh... don't cry, Mario. Boys never cry..."

Mario Sparkle: "I know..."

Shafira: "I love you so much"

Shafira is going to real kiss Mario Sparkle

Mario Sparkle: "Thank you, Shafira"

Shafira: "..."

Mario Sparkle: "Shafira, remember you're alone"

Shafira: "Oh I remember...."

In the Flashback

Mario and Jeese walking while eating ice cream

Mario Sparkle: "So yummy! First time I've never eating ice cream. My favorite flavor is blueberry"

Jeese: "And my favorite flavor is chocolate!"

Far from them, there's a human who actually alone in the universe

Mario Sparkle: "Hello, why are you crying?"

???: "Don't hurt me! Leave me alone!"

Mario Sparkle: "Hey, I don't wanna hurt you I just wanna be friend with you"

???: "..."

Mario Sparkle: "And yes, be friend is good"

???: "Okay I know it... *crying* "

Mario Sparkle: "Ssh... don't cry. I'm here for you. What's your name?"

Buddy: I'm Shafira, I have a weird white eyes. So, you can call me Buddy

Mario Sparkle: "Shafira? Gosh, you look so different! There's nothing to be weird"

Mario Sparkle: "I love you so much!"

Buddy blushing happily and Mario kisses

Jeese: "Aw..."

Back to the reality

Shafira: "..."

Mario Sparkle: "..."

Shafira: "I'm going to home. See you later"

Shafira left

Mario is really happy about her

To be continued.

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