Shadow Milk Cookie

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Any gender!



-Shadow Milk cookie is a type of cookie who would just randomly comes out of a wall/roof and hugs you. Then, he would just disappear.

-He definitely loves affection, and he would NEVER show that to any cookie but you <3

Blushy or not?:

-An easy one. Just smile at him and he will be a tomato. He just really loves your smile that it makes him blush.

Cuddle buddy? :

-This man does NOT take a no as an answer. He would straight up cuddle you, kiss you, ruffle your hair or whatever you call it.

-Shadow Milk cookie always cuddles you when sleeping, relaxing, etc.

Nicknames (for you and him!) :

Shadow Milk cookie: dear, nicknames that end - illy (like Silly Vanilly), silly, sweetie, my light

You: my trickster, idiot, dear, darling, my beast


-Male (He/him)


Thoughts (about you!):

-Shadow Milk cookie thinks you are a cutie patootie, to be honest. HIS cutie patootie.

-He just think you're beautiful/handsome/attractive, so he considers himself lucky.

Bonus! :

-Shadow Milk cookie is a jealous cookie. So, if you talk to any cookie, he would be EXTREMELY jealous.

-He made a cupboard puppet for you, and it's pretty much detailed. Even an animatronic (like the Animatronic of Deceit)

-Shadow Milk cookie made puppets of you and him, and he makes those puppets do... particular things.

-He can shapeshift! He also shapeshifts into Pure Vanilla cookie and mocks him.

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