Bowers gets dumped ★

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Veronica was having a shitty day.
Shitty is an understatement,
Veronica was having a very shitty day.


June 21st, 1989

The bells loud tolls echo through the corridors, signalling the end of the last day of school. Veronica rushes out of her class, her books clutched tightly against her chest. She manoeuvres through the bustling crowds, pushing anyone in her way. Veronica was on a mission, one that could possibly get her killed.

She was going to dump Henry Bowers.

Dumping a man like Henry was almost a difficult as befriending him, it's a task that requires lots of planning beforehand. Veronica has spent her whole last period carefully preparing the perfect way to end this relationship. She has written it down on plan cards and read them to herself over and over again while Mr Caddel dragged on about Pythagoras Theorem. Once she had decided that it was finally good enough, she shoved the cards into the front pocket of her bag and mentally got ready for what may be the last thing she ever does.


After school Henry is always out the front near the bus zone, checking out his next 'victims' so he calls them. One particular group he likes to harass is known as 'The Losers Club'. Veronica never minded the losers. Obviously if she had ever admitted that to Henry he would tell her to go date them instead.

So as expected, when Veronica walked out of the school, there he was. Henry Bowers praying on little 8th graders. Veronica swallows her fear and marches over to him, her head held high.

"Henry." She puffs as she stands staring up at him. "What bitch?" He spits, literally spits at her. In that moment Veronica's mind had gone blank, all memory of those palm cards were gone so she was left with one option.

"I'm breaking up with you."

And just like that, Henry's smug smile is wiped off his face and is replaced with one of shock and confusion. Before he could piece together a response, Veronica storms off, smiling to herself.


June 22nd, 1989

It had been one day since Veronica did the unimaginable. It seemed as if when Veronica woke up that the world had changed for the better, and in a sense it did for her.

Once she had gotten up she decided to go down to the drug store to pick up some bandages, as precaution for what was to come over the summer break.

Once she had rode her bike over she noticed Richie Tozier standing in an alleyway with the new kid, once he made eye contact with her he immediately looked away and Veronica felt a sense of dread and guilt.

The bell dinged on the door of the drugstore, catching the attention of Mr Keene at the counter, who wasn't very happy to see her. She strolls through the isles, trying to find the medical section.

"You crazy? My mum finds out I bought this stuff for myself and I'll spend the whole weekend getting x-rayed in the emergency room!" She hears a familiar voice yell out, she walks down into that isle and sees the losers. They all stare at her fearfully, Bill stuttering out "O-Oh s-shit."

"What's your guys deal?" She asks, furrowing her eyebrows. "None of your business." Stanley mutters, looking at the floor.
"There's a kid outside, looks like someone killed him." Eddie says quickly, getting elbowed by Stan in response.

"Give me some of that." She directed and the losers followed immediately, placing all the bandages in her arms.
"Meet me outside." She says as she strides out the door.

"Ver- shit, again?" Mr Keene rolls his eyes and goes back to the register.

The losers hurriedly rush out the store, bumping into multiple shelves on their way out. Once they manage to get out they're met with Veronica, handing them all the bandages.

"You're welcome." She smirks, going to walk off.

"Wait!" Bill calls out and she turns around, furrowing her eyebrows. "C-Could you h-help us? W-W-We don't really k-know what we're doing." He shrugs, smiling sheepishly.
"Uh..yea.?" She walks over to the boys and let them lead her to Ben.

"What the fuck happened to you?" She fretted, rushing to the new kids side. The losers watch, dumbfounded.

"Where's your boyfriend Ronnie?" Richie snarked, crossing his arms.

"I broke up with him." Veronica says nonchalantly, reaching her hand out to grab bandages.
The losers all exchange glances, not exactly believing her.

Richie scoffed at her. "Yeah, right, like you could break up with him. Give me a break." Veronica looked over at Ben to check on his injuries. She felt like Richie was watching her every move, she could feel his piercing gaze on the back of her neck as she tended to the boy's wounds. Ben looked up at her, wincing with pain as she examined his cuts and bruises.

Veronica reached one hand out to the boy, rubbing her thumb across the back of his hand, comforting him.

Stanley and the other losers stepped closer, peering down at Ben's injuries. Ben's eyes widened, noticing the looks of concern on the faces of the losers. He suddenly felt safe. It was like his wounds suddenly were not so bad when he felt their support around him.
"Jesus dude. Who did this to you?" Richie asked, taking a couple steps back in awe at the extent of his injuries. Ben doesn't answer him, he just looks back down at the ground.

Bill stood with hands tucked in his pockets, staring at Veronica tend to Ben's wounds. The thought of it made him feel odd, almost jealous. Veronica's gentle rubbing of Ben's hand caught his attention.
"You're so nice to him," Stanley remarked.
"Yea..what the hell happened to you Ronnie?" Richie asks.

Veronica stood up with a triumphant grin. "Now that's done, I want you guys to know something." She took a moment to collect herself, then gave the group an emphatic look. "Yes, I really did break up with Henry," she said. A flicker of emotion crossed her face. "I just couldn't deal with being... mean."

"I b-believe you V-Veronica." Bill stutters, smiling meekly.

"Y-You know..w-we're g—going to the quarry t-tomorrow. You should c-c-come." Bill suggests.

"I'll think about it. See ya losers!"


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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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