55~ Her Muffled Voice..

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Khabardaar bina padhe Aage gaye to🥲!!!!

🔞🔞The chapter can be a little traumatic, though only incidents are mentioned not written but still.

It has everything mixed, sadness, happiness, anger, sex, trauma and most importantly Adhisha's POV.

So now listen I didn't plan to update in the middle of the night knowing how lazy-ass Readers I have just like their lazy ass author but updated.

I do respect your time and efforts especially those few readers who make me feel so special when I am not but some of you don't even respect my work😭

I don't want you all to make me feel special but don't even demotivate that I feel like dropping the story in the middle.💔

I am heartbroken way too much🥺

Yana's POV

"Where were you?"

I asked very well knowing what business they do behind Trivedi Corporation.

I mean he was looking like he came back after committing a crime.

I wonder why Arsh is in still contact with Trivedi Corporation even after knowing the illegal work they do.

He completely ignored my words and stared at Ardhansh with displeasure, "I am damn sure Nanu isn't gonna like your presence."

"Who cares about that old man, I am just here for my wife and kids's sake."

Bhai growled rolling his eyes with displeasure and straight walked towards the back door of the mansion throwing his car keys at the guard and yelling after stopping at some distance.

"Don't forget to meet me while going back."

I sighed knowing the words were meant for Ardhansh and we walked towards the entrance, we reached the entrance.

I heard the voice of an old man chuckling but what caught my attention was Ayaan's laugh.

A smile came to my lips thinking he was fine now, and a relief washed through my whole body.

I will tell Ardhansh everything about his breakdown, so he can clear all his insecurities.

We walked inside to see an old man playing with Ayaan having a little bit same facial features as mine and my mother's.

While Aehraan was busy making ponytails of his Nani's curly hair.

I shook my head at him and heard my Grandapa's shaky voice.

"Is....she... my little Anny?"

Maa nodded her head at him and I awkwardly smiled not even knowing a single thing about him.

He smiled and gestured for me to sit beside him and I did even after feeling a tug on my shirt.

Now this is not right of him to get jealous of my family member too.

He took Ayaan from Grandpa's lap and sat opposite Maa with displeasure.

"You look so alike, Yaksha." He said in his throaty voice that was shaking a little and I still assumed his voice to be so dominating at his young age.

The way his body was built he looked dominating man like my husband at his young age, maybe he would be.

"We look like you, Nanaji."

I said and he widely smiled while caressing my hair, "Impressive!!! Looks like You got your father's sense of humour."

I gulped finding a pinch of hatred in his voice for my father, of course, I know how Dad married Maa but didn't expect Nanu to still hate him for this.

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