#4 Australia's accident

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Time to give some lore on Australia and Brazil's relationship.

This was maybe a couple of months before Brazil and Australia decided to start a romantic relationship. Those two were already close before the accident.

Out on the beach, Brazil witnessed it, Australia was attacked by a shark and would've been dead if Brazil hadn't gone out to get him.

Australia lost his right arm elbow down. He barely remembers the afternoon. All he remembered was surfing, then then he was in an ambulance.

Australia wakes up in the hospital and learns what happened. For someone who just lost half his arm and nearly died, he's pretty okay.

Britain's was puzzled how someone could be okay after such an accident, sure the Australian had had his accidents before but nothing this extreme.

Now, the moment Australia was told of his saviour.


The start of Sorrel's bad writing~


Britain laughed a quiet chuckle. "Do not tell me you have amnesia."

Australia let out a laugh. "No mate."

Britain begun talking again. "Brazil was here, I think, 20 minutes ago. You were sleeping, though, and he did not want to disturb you, he said he'd come back later. He saved your life, me and France invited him for dinner already but I think you should thank him personally."

"Yea, I will."

The end of Sorrel's bad writing~

Brazil could be late sometimes, and once or twice, he hasn't shown up to a plan, but he made sure he visited. Brazil visits Australia a lot in the hospital, and even when Australia goes home. Both families (Portuguese and English) notice their growing bond.

Things go off from there. I wanted to give insight into how the relationship kicked off.

 I wanted to give insight into how the relationship kicked off

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