Chapter 6 ~ Ivette

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I know that last chapter was in Ivette's POV, but I really wanted this chapter to be in hers too :)


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Chapter 6 ~ Ivette

After talking for a while in the coffee place, I am invited to Harry’s flat. Honeslty, I was pretty nervous and I thought it was too soon to make this kind of stuff. I mean, this was not a date or anything, but I just met the guy. Wouldn’t you want to get to know the person first and then show them your flat? Apparently, Harry was different. I was a bit hesitant before accepting, but he insisted and I just couldn’t say no. So that’s where we are headed at the moment. I’m following him in my car to his flat. I seriously have no idea what we’re going to do there, but I’m quite excited that I’m finally getting to do this kind of things… excited things.

After a few minutes of driving, Harry finally comes to a stop and I park my car just behind his. I grab my bag and everything I’m going to need and then get out of the car, locking it later.

“Is it really far away from your house?” He asks. That was the lame excuse I had given when I was abit hesitant about accepting, but he still kept insisting, telling me that it was not going to be far at all, and now that I think about it, it really isn’t.

I shake my head, blushing a bit for how stupid I was being. “Not really,” I reply.

“See, I told you,” He says walking inside a building. “This way,” He says later, motioning me to follow him. I do as told and as I do so, I admire the first floor. I have to say, it was quite nice. It seems peaceful and that’s always good.

“So, do you live by yourself?” I ask once we’re in the elevator so that we’re not standing in an awkward silence.

Harry shakes his head, his curls going all over the place as he does so. “I live with my ban— best friend, Louis,” he explains.

“Oh, I see,” I reply, not knowing what else to say, but just in that moment, the elevator doors open. I wait for Harry to step outside so I can follow him, and after walking for a few seconds, we’re finally in front of his flat. He takes out his keys and opens the door, letting me in first once he does so. “Nice place,” I say once I checked out the entrance and the living room which came next. It was pretty simple, but it was pretty and really comfortable for the two people that lived here.

“Thanks,” he says, walking to the kitchen. “Would you like anything to drink? Water, tea…?” He trails off.

I smile “Tea sounds great,” I reply.

He nods. “Tea coming right up,” he jokes. “You can take a sit while I make it,” he suggests. I just nod and take a sit in the couch, waiting patiently until the tea is done so that Harry joins me again.

“So where’s Louis?” I ask.

“How do you know his name?” He asks, kind of freak out I have to admit.

I frown, confused. “You told me a few minutes ago,” I say and his face relaxes.

“Right,” he says, letting out a nervous laugh. “Uh, Louis is with his girlfriend. He doesn’t get to see her much because of his job, so they always try to spend as much time together as they can,” He explains.

“Aw, that’s sweet,” I reply with a smile. “Thanks,” I say as Harry hands me a cup of tea and then sits down by my side.

“You’re welcome,” He says, giving me one of his precious smiles, showing me his dimples. “But yeah,” he continues after taking a sip of his own tea. “Louis is a great lad,” he adds.

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