Miscellaneous log #16 (Final)

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*Neo Big One Bridge - Karman mesosphere, 62 mi above Kivotos

*Evan POV

Janus: Cars Six and Seven hit!

Janus exclaimed as Neo Big One and Utnapishtim were bombarded by lasers from the Ark of Atrahasis

Janus: !!!

Janus: Sensors have detected a high energy reading on the floating fortress!

Janus exclaimed as a big cannon revealed itself on the Ark of Atrahasis

Phrenapates: I will eliminate anyone who stands in my way

The cannon began extending itself outwards before charging a massive energy beam that will most likely wipe us out if it hits.

Evan: Hurry and evade!

Kongou: We can't! We don't have enough power!

*Utnapishtim Bridge - mesosphere, 62 mi above Kivotos

*third person POV

Rin: Evasive maneuverers!

Yuuka: Not enough power

*Evan POV

as the cannon is charging up, we heard several cannon shots from standard SDF Battles cars from a distance and blue lasers came from behind us, disabling the big cannon

Rin: Wow, I didn't know your flying train have this function sensei

Evan: It wasn't us. We didn't fire...

An alert sounded inside Neo Big One's bridge

Janus: Look everyone!

*mesosphere line, 62 mi above Kivotos

*third person POV

Hiryuu and Flameswallow entered the battle, leading the other trains from the SDF

Julia: Sorry for taking so long

Lawrence: All SDF Platoons are now to back up Big 1

*Neo Big One Bridge - mesosphere, 62 mi above Kivotos

*Evan POV

The SDF Train Fleet began advancing towards us as we all have delighted faces

Kongou: What friends

Janus: Taichou

I looked at her and nodded as Neo Big One slowed down to allow the other SDF trains to catch up

Yuuka: Sensei.... are they all from SDF?

Evan: Yes. They're our friends

i said as Neo Big One got surrounded by the SDF train fleet, resulting in a rainbow being formed from the SDF trains being gathered together to fight the Ark of Atrahasis

*third person POV

Inside the Ark of Artahasis, Phrenapates looked at the SDF Train fleet with a poker face

Phrenapates: i will not forgive anyone who stands in my way, even if it's the SDF

Evan: At the time of writing this, it's about 29 February/1st March which means my real life counterpart is facing his "last episode" of his internship, meaning that this is the last log before this book, along with the others resume after a 23 week hiatus. The reason why this took so long to be out is because my real life counterpart is busy preparing for something so yeah. An announcement will follow soon after this regarding Night of Kivotos so stay tuned.

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