It's All Worth It

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This is my first fan fic, if it turns out terrible, I apologize.

Chapter 1


It was a good day. I was riding my horse Bailey down our favorite trail, she was excited that I rode her again sense she had her foal almost a year ago.

It felt good to ride her again, I feel so relaxed when I ride.

When we got back to the barn, I put her with the other horses.

Later when I got up to my house, I changed my clothes to go to town and hang out with my friend.

"Mom, I'm going to town to hang with Dani, is that ok?"

"Yeah that's fine, be home by 10:00." Mom said.

When" I got to Dani's house, her mom answered the door and she said that Dani was in her room.

"Hey Dani, what's up." I said

"Nothin much how about you?"

"We'll, can I ask you something Dani?" I said.

"Yeah anything."

I start to burst out crying.

"I miss Scotty so much, I feel so alone now sense he won Idol. I try to call him sometimes and he doesn't answer, it goes right to his voicemail, I don't know what to do. I think about him every night and day, he was the only person who made me feel safe and happy. What should I do?" I said while I messed up my make-up and was bursting with tears.

"It will be alright, you and Scotty will be together again." Dani said.

Well it's school again today and Scotty is still busy with Idol. I tried again to call him, I called about 10 times, texted him 6 times and also left a voicemail, he still won't look at his phone. So I stop thinking about him and go hang out with my friends.

"Hey guys what's up." I say.

"Nothin McKayla, just talking about One Direction and stuff like we usually do." Molly said.

"Hey Molly, do you want to go to Dairy Queen after school, because I have nothing to do?"

"Sure McKayla, and after Dairy Queen, we can hang out at my place." Molly said.

"Awesome, well I got to go to History now, bye!"

Now that school is over, I call Molly to see where she is.

"HEY GURL! Are we still going to Dairy Queen." I said.

"Of course, I will meet you at your car." Molly says.

So we head to Dairy Queen and order a cookie dough blizzard and an Oreo blizzard.

"So, are you sad that Scotty is still gone." Molly said in a real serious voice.

"Yeah I still do, he won't come back for a long while, I try calling, texting, snapchating, and he won't reply. I wonder if I should just breakup with him because he is always going to be gone."

"No you shouldn't breakup with him, you two are right for each other!"

"Can we stop talking about it now, please!" I said in a angry voice.

"I am sorry Molly, I am just in a bad place right now with Scotty." I said.

"It's ok, I know how you feel. Remember me and Jake when we were together. I am here for you." Molly said in a kind voice.

Now there is an awkward silence, I hate when that happens because it is just weird. I still don't know what to do about Scotty, I should just breakup with him.

Now I am at Molly's house, we start watching Keeping up with the Kardashians because we got bored. After watching TV, we go outside to see her new dog Toby, he is the cutest dog ever. One thing about him that sucks is that he BITES REALLY HARD!!!!!

So at like 5:00 I get home and call Scotty again, but he still won't answer. I HATE TECHNOLOGY!!!!!!!!!!

Now it is Saturday and when I wake up I get 7 missed calls from Scotty. Now I start to call him again, and he FINALLY ANSWERED!!!!!!!!! I am so happy.

"Hello." Scotty says.

"HEY SCOTTY! You finally answered your phone." I say in a kidding kinda voice.

"I am sorry I didn't answer before, I was so busy."

"Well I have to tell you something Scotty." I say.

"Ok." He said in a scared voice.

"I think we should breakup because you will always be gone. I am really sorry, I still love you and I know you still love me, but it's just not going to work out." I say in a real disappointed voice.

"NO!! I still love you McKayla. How about I come back to Garner." Scotty says

"I would love that if you could, I have been thinking about you every day and night."

"Me too, I couldn't barely sleep at all." Scotty said


"Hey McKayla I have to go, bye."

"That was weird, it sounded like he is with another girl?"

Chapter 2

McKayla's *POV*

So now I got off the phone with Scotty, and it sounded like he was with another girl. I am getting kind of jealous, I hate when I am jealous. I am really worried though if he is cheating on me.

Now it's Monday and its about 4:30 p.m and I am doing homework. When my phone rings, I jumped. Scotty texted me and he said that he is coming to my house in an hour. So I stop doing my homework and I run upstairs to find an outfit. As I rummage through my closet, I finally found the perfect outfit, I am wearing a white t-shirt, jeans, and my cowgirl boots. Now it's close to 5:30 and I am waiting for him while I am watching Nashville my favorite show.

FINALLY Scotty drives up in my drive way, when I see him jump out of his truck, I run towards him and jump into his arms.


"I missed you too McKayla!"

Now me and Scotty start making out in the drive way. Awkward if someone pulls up, and after about like 2 minutes, we stop.

We start to talk for hours.

"So how's being famous now" I say

"It's ok, but it would be much better if you where there with me." Scotty said

After all of the talking we did to catch up on each other. Scotty said that we should go eat at Taco Bell. And of course I said yes because I LOVE TACO BELL!!!

After Taco Bell, Scotty brought me back

to my house. We went on the porch and talked, he pulled me close and hugged me for along time. This was the best night of my life.

Chapter 3

McKayla's *POV*

Well last night was the BEST. But I looked on Scotty's phone and he has been texting this girl named Jessica. I wonder what's going on with him because he has been acting kind of strange lately.

*Somebody give me some ideas because I don't know what do to now with this fan fic. Some ideas please?*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2013 ⏰

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