Chapter 1

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So, what does the criminals do?

Most of them will just say they did it for the need if it or bad influences but in my case. I like to do it as a hobby.

As interesting as it sounds, being a criminal is my second persona. And it started during my younger years when everything seems so dull and peaceful.

A thing about me is, I hated the peacefulness. I crave for chaos, and it boils my blood, it makes me alive.

"Your 'them'?" The man asks with his face covered. "Can I really not ask for any information of who you are?" He continued as he gets closer to the screen and squint his eyes.

"No, I would like to keep this anonymous. You got the deal?". At first, he hesitated but then he slowly nods and cleared his throat before pressing something in his screen. "I sent it." My eyes scan the screen of my other monitor and perfectly it notified the balance of my bank sending the huge amount of money in exchange of this sensitive information.

"Deal is a deal. Now keep your promise and not speak a word about this." He nod, and my finger click enter key and everything is on his way to be sent. "Hard copy should arrive soon but here is the soft copy."

"Thanks." He said in a low tone. "Please doing business with you." I chuckle and click the video call to end, with that everything went to normal. I stretch my back and my back muscle slowly felt good from the released tension, lights come back to a normal value and spreads inside my working room, where I made the deal and meetings with other of my clients. The place drape in rather dark colors, no light colors or anything that can give a quick peek. I design it in a motive that it should only look like a complete oblivion, no lights or decorative to be seen behind my back, the screen light is just enough to show my hood and the silhouette. I stretch my arms and toss the extra clothing, the paddings and everything that I put on as a 'costume' to look like a imposing guy rather than a small female playing 'God'. My hand then finds its way to my ordered bubble tea milk and slurp my way as I turn my rotatable chair to the other side of the table, looking at the information of the other organization and men coming for me.


Coming for me.

It's a hard work being a criminal. I always have to keep tabs on this people who have no motivation in life, but to follow some rich fucker who does not want their hands dirty. I can relate. Them always on my tail, hot on my heels. I sigh as I once again relax my body one more time. My eyes follow to the screen in which I scroll down then it went black re-directing me to a site. 'Black market'. My operational ground, my China town. Being a dealer that offers all sort of things, from guns, illegal information, hitman and other illegal carrier that they wish to want or buy, trade. Depending on its value I will get my hands on it, and it give me extra perks in my operations, meeting new people to work with, people who have similar business that we can help each other in a 'scratch my back, I scratch yours', type of agreement. Again, types like this are conventional but not guarantee safety so I always on a look out to keep my back watch.

I'm always high alert for any details I do just in case the detective might find me.

"Nope Detective. Not until I graduate." I mumble to myself. It's an odd joke to myself. Not funny cause I have a lot to lose.

Cybercriminal--yes, but I'm also a normal and obedient citizen off work. Loving family, a supportive parent. I have normal dreams and the title, 'wanted cybercriminal' that the people in this web trying to find just paint a wicked smile to my face, adrenaline rushing in and Dopamine. And each time they missed; the price gets higher.

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