O N E - "How it all started"

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-Haise POV-
-Must they really put me in the 20 ward?- I said out loud to Iwa -Yes, the other wards are already occupied- I hesitated at first, that's where Kaneki lived, someone might recognize me and then ask about him, but I can't answer them properly, I haven't recovered a lot of memories from him -It's fine- I said finally -Will I be alone?- I asked, afraid that I wouldn't know what to do if someone talked to me -Juuzou Suzuya, special class- Iwa said, looking at me in the eye -He'll be your companion- he then added.
The only thing I knew about him is that he is a prodigy. He used to live with ghouls and the CCG then rescued him -You are dismissed from now- he said standing up from his chair at the other side of the desk, I followed his motion and walked out of the door.

-Great- I thought -I'm gonna go to a place where a lot of people may know who he was- I stopped walking for a second -And I don't know my partner- I kept walking, I was going to take a turn when someone stumbled upon me, he fell and so did something he was carrying -I-I'm so sorry!- I muttered while holding a hand to help him get up, he looked dizzy but he instantly hooded my hand and stood up.

The first thing I noticed about him was that he was kind of short compared to me, maybe a few centimeters less than me, but his face looked my age, it was pretty pale, almost snow-like. Then I noticed his arms, they had red thread all over, at first I thought it was just hanging there but then I noticed it was sawn into his skin, it didn't freaked me out, it was just... An unique sight.
Least I noticed I had been staring at him and holding his hand for too long, he looked concerned and confused at the same time -Haise?- he suddently spoke, his voice was high-pitched for a boy, but it was really sweet. But the question was how did he knew my name, so I decided it was good to ask -Yeah, how do you know?- -I'm Suzuya Juuzou!- He said almost instantly while putting his hand above his head in a motion of introduction.
So it was him.
-Nice to meet you! I'll be with you in the 20 ward!- he said enthusiastically -Nice to meet you too, Juuzou- I smiled at him and he smiled back -Well, it's late so I'm going home, see you tomorrow!- he said in a sing-song voice and then proceeded to hop to the exit -I guess...- I started walking behind him since I was going home too -He's a good guy- I told myself.

While I was walking down the street I started to think about him. I couldn't forget the color of his eyes and the way he talked, the way he grabbed my hand, he did it gently and it was warm, and he didn't let go until I did.
In that moment I couldn't help staring at him, he looked so fragile, yet he was so strong, so messed up, but so innocent at the same time.
I had never thought that much about a person I just met. What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I get him out of my head? I dismissed this instantly and deduced that I was just exited to meet someone with such a reputation.

It kept that way until I was about to sleep, my brain thought about how he smiled at me. How his skin was pale white. How I thought he was cute when I first saw him. I tried to stop those thoughts but they just kept going, each time I was appreciating and admiring every single detail about him even more.
I didn't even know the man properly! I had just met him that exact same day! What kept me thinking about him over and over again?!

-That's it- I said out loud to no one in particular -I'm going to get to know him tomorrow while we are at the 20 ward- I said again even though no one but myself was there.
It'll be a distraction for me and maybe for him, if he's nervous or something. Thinking twice about that, Suzuya? Nervous? Those words didn't even combine in a sentence!
-STOP- I told myself out loud again, I needed to stop thinking about that, about him. That's why I folded my pillow so it would cover both of my ears in a vague effort to shut my thoughts.

Suddently I felt my eyelids too heavy to handle and I let them shut as all the sound of my room turned into distant hums and the colors turned into pitch black.

Just 819 words? That's short, forgive me father.
Hope you like it! (/^^)/
First fanfic ever uploaded by me so forgive me if it's bad hehe ^^' Leave a comment and add to your reading list and all that good stuff~

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