F O U R - "I'm bad at names tbh"

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-Hm? Why?- I asked again, defying the respect and boss - employee boundaries we had founded.
-You two were supposed to be at you ward by now- He said displeasedly sighting.
-He is a very good investigator, but he's also pretty irresponsible- The older man continued explaining -Take care of him, you should head to your ward right now- he said and then made a waving motion with his hand -See you later, Rank 1 Sasaki-
He went out of the door and headed to another direction. That's when Juuzou popped his head out of the door -Is he gone?- he said looking at me with big red eyes
-He just went out- I answered looking outside of the glass door
-He said we should go to our ward- I stated before laughing a little bit -Huh? Oh yeah, then we should get going!- He started skipping his way into the door, I opened it for him, it was an instinct, something polite I had been taught.
He stopped for a bare minute and muttered a -Thank you- as he got out

We were supposed to get to the 20th ward's central offices. Juuzou said there was no use in doing that and I took almost a good hour to convince him it was necessary. I didn't understand how he was able to be a special class at the same age as Arima, he was so childish compared to him.
-We should go and get some snacks- he complained while walking toward the offices
-But first we should go to the CCG- I said half-eyeing him
-Does that mean after that we can go and eat something?- he told me enthusiastically, almost jumping from joy. He got really excited over small things and I didn't know if I liked the fact or if I was annoyed by it, it seemed so cute and yet so inappropriate both for his age and for the task we were assigned.
After thinking about it for a few seconds I decided I found it adorable.
-Maybe- I said smiling joyfully, he just gave out a prolonged 'Yay!' as a response after raising his arms above his head. I found that adorable too.

After we had accomplished some paperwork in the offices about the investigation, we took off to wander by the streets.
Half of the walk was strangely quiet due to the fact that Juuzou was known for being really loud, I was thinking of some topic to start a conversation with, it could be literally anything but my brain didn't seem to be cooperating with me this of all times. We walked pass by a grocery shop, -Maybe asking what's his favorite food would sound right- I thought -No, no, that has nothing to do with anything!- The voice in my head spoke up again, it was right, that would be too random.
I furrowed my brows and scratched the back of my head, I had to say something, yesterday I couldn't sleep thinking about him and now I can't even come up with something to say?
-So... Uhm...- I muttered, woah, good one Haise, that sounded really smart.
-I don't know anything about you- Juuzou suddenly said making me halfly jump with surprise, he then placed both of his arms behind his head to rest it there. Well, at least the silence was broken but now what would I say? Please come up with something actually smart.
-I don—
-You like books right?- He cut me off, big, red orbs locked with my own giving a sense of wonder and curiosity -Yes, do I look like a book person?- I answered pointing a finger at myself, he laughed subtly and closed his eyes -I saw you reading a book in our free time- he stated before turning his head to the other side of the street -Besides, you do look like a book person- he said again and I could almost see a smile in his words


Okay so what lmao I've been gone for so long but I came back.
This is still badly written because it's like what's left of what I wrote like a year ago so yeah, next chapter will be way better I promise. Also comment and stuff so I know if I should keep going lol, I don't use Wattpad anymore because well, I lost interest haha so I moved do AO3, you can find me there at "flvorescenteen" thank u <3

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