Chapter 2

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That laughed ringed in my head like a bell, repeating itself over and over and over. All of a sudden it stopped and my head slammed forward with a jerk. I wasn't in my classroom, with its pale white walls, I was in my bright blue bedroom. It was the perfect room for a fourteen year old boy. I stood up and walked towards my computer, in the far corner of my room. It flickered on as I touched the track pad of the laptop. I gasped and jumped back, something began typing on a greenish screen. The white font came fast, but not all at once, like someone was typing it out.

Hello, Skylar... Lovely to meet you!

I stared at the screen, realizing they knew my name. I sit down cautiously in my black spinning chair.

If you are reading this message, you know what you are

I had no idea what to do. At this moment, I didn't care. I screamed out "Then what am I?! Does it look like I know?!" The opposite person began typing again.

I'm sorry. You don't know...

I look around and run to the windows, closing each one. Thinking that there must be someone watching me

Stop Skylar! Don't be afraid of me. Please. You and me, we can be friends. I am just like you, an outcast. You were bullied yes? Or maybe are bullied?

My eyes widened. How could they possibly know me? I try to type on my keyboard.

Who are you!? Why are you in my computer??

You don't know me yet. Don't worry, you soon will.

There was a knock on my door, my bedroom door. 'That's impossible' I thought to myself, but sure enough, there was a small female voice coming from outside the door.

"H-Hello? Skylar?" She knocked again, three times.

"Who the heck-"I muttered to myself as I opened the door. A girl walked in, her long blonde hair rested on her back. She had a pale face, no makeup needed, she was beautiful.

"Hi, Skylar" Her hand nervously grabbed the side of her opposite arm. "Nice to actually meet person"
I smiled. "You too" I looked down and bit my lip but then began to speak again. "You said I would know who I am... Who am I?"

"Well... I can't say." She looked up at me, with an honest, innocent look on her face. "Its complicated, you should discover for yourself."

I rolled my eyes but decided to leave the topic. "So then who are you?"

"My name is Zurial. I am the angel of harmony."

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