last letter

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This is my 7th time I am giving the letter to the postman and still I didn't get any letter or calls from jungkook......

"After sometime"

Jk mom - yeboseoo kwan?
Kwan - ohh anyeong aunt!!
Jk mom - aneyeong kwan how are u daughter
Kwan - am fine aunt how about u
Jk mom - am also fine
Kwan - umm aunt did jk call u??
Jk mom - ohh Kwan I forget to tell you that jk select for the kpop trainee !!!
Kwan - reallyyyy aunt am sooo sooo sooo happyyy thanks a lot for giving me this newz
Jk mom- my pleasure daughter okay I have something to do I'll talk to you later
Kwan - uhh okay

"Hang up the call"

Yahhhh it's my 1 time am giving treat to u "said Kwan while making face"

"Next day at school"

Ji hoon - so what?? Ur boyfriend selected that's why I asked u to treat
Kwan - ya ya ya I know
Ji hoon - so how did u knew that jk got selected
Kwan - his mom call me and told me
Ji hoon - ohh and what about letters??
Kwan - I think that he didn't get the letters
Ji hoon - yaa shibal ( fuck u ) who the hell are that postman giving letters to ?? { angry tone}
Kwan - yahh don't curse them
Ji hoon - but ughh okay

" Bell ring"

Kwan - Ohh let's goo hone
Ji hoon - hmm

I was calling jk because it's almost a week passed away and he didn't even message me so I decided to call him again he didn't picked up again I tried this time he pick up

So this is my destination jeon jungkook
Talking to myself I entered in BIGHIT entertainment and waiting for my number than someone announce my name and I enter in the room I saw a man "BANG SI HYUK" so after the performance I got selected and that time I was soo so happy and I decided to call mom and Kwan so I took out my phone and call mom and tell her all the story and at next moment I was just going to call Kwan than someone call my name from behind and told me that "bang si hyuk calling u" so I decided to call Kwan later and went to check that why they calling me I just entered there than bang si hyuk told me that you've have to practice a lot and there is the room other and there are also other member so meet them I said okay and went away I just entered the room I saw there were 6 member I go to them and meet up them they'll introduce themself

"Am Kim namjoon'
"Kim seok jin"
"min yoongi"
"Jung hoseok"
"Park jimin'
'Uhh am Kim taehyung"

They'll introduce themselves and I said that am "jeon jungkook "
Then we talk and did some random chitchat ......

Later a week
"In practice room"

Jimin- yahh hyung it's almost a week we all didn't eat something spicy like ramen

Namjoon - I know but if I eat something like that for sure bang si kyung will eat us alive.
Suga - yeah for Sure {laughing}
Jungkook pov - I was just sitting in the corner and then I tried to call Kwan but an scared because of bang si kyung because

" Flash back"

So finally am going to call Kwan I was calling Kwan but then someone snatch my phone and I turn around and I saw bang si kyung was standing behind me and then

Bang si kyungi - to whom you're calling?
Jungkook - sir she-ss she.. is my.. girl-friend.
Bang si kyung - ohhh so she is you're girlfriend do you want to kick yourself out of this company for you're family and parents tell me? { Yell a little bit }
Jungkook - aniyo sir I was just calling to talk her
Bang si kyung - don't you know the rules { glaring at jk }
Jungkook - umm mm no sir but
Bang si kyung - so the rule is don't call any other member out of this company and eat the diet food do not eat anything from outside and as fast as BREAK UP WITH YOU'RE GILFRIEND because I don't want that you're future fan's hate your group and don't dare to call her again
Jungkook pov - as he just the last sentence he said I broke into many piece because how can I break up with the love of my life how and why


Then suddenly I got call from Kwan ....


Hey all what do you think what was happen then??

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