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Namjoon - sir stop it!!
Bang si kyung - namjoon why did you held my hand why did you stoped me huhh?? (Still yelling)
Namjoon - sir forgive him please
Bang si kyung - FORGIVE really he just BREAK THE RULES how can I forgive him huhh....
Namjoon - sir please , please sir
Bang si kyung - ( holding his anger back )
Ok fine but if I ever saw you talking with you're girlfriend I'll throw you out remember..
Jungkook - (crying)

Namjoon hold his hands and drag him in a room then jungkook stop crying and suddenly hugged namjoon , namjoon also hug him Back

Namjoon- jungkook what was that what happened and why did you call her this time
Jungkook - I was just wants to talk her but then suddenly sir came and snatch my phone (sobbing little bit)

Namjoon - Jungkook now listen you have to break up

Jungkook - (looks up to namjoon with disbelieve eye) what hyung what did you just say huhh "BREAK UP" no hyung are you serious noo never

Namjoon - Jungkook you have to if you don't want to go away from here !!!! And don't you remember what just bang so kyung said it's your last chance love or career !!! It's depends on you now..

Jungkook - but hyung I am with her from 10 years how can I how just howw hyung

Namjoon - now it's ur decision if you lost this chance so you'll never comeback here remember

Jungkook pov

How can I break up with her she's my life but I have no other option so I have to do it but she'll get hurt god please give me some courage please god huhh now I have to do it I have no other option (crying)



"Kwan pov"

I was talking with jungkook but he just cutted the call I think he got some work but I don't know why am feeling scared god please help me I don't know why am feeling so so scared now am going to sleep I think than I'll get fine


Kwan - (wake up and get ready for her university) mom am going..
Kwan mom - but breakfast??
Kwan - am not in mood to do break fast am going
Kwan mom - ok but do it breakfast in university
Kwan - ok mom

7:59 am

Jungkook - (I just woke up with puffy eyes and remembering yesterday and feeling so sad ) I thing I have to call Kwan I think she's in her university and i should tell her that okk am ready

"Jk calling kwan"

"Ring "


"Ring "


Kwan - (I was just going in my class room but then suddenly I saw jungkook was calling me and suddenly in pick it up)

Kwan - hello?? Jungkook I miss u where were you yesterday

Jungkook - ??????????????

To be continued~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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