super bowl • ups and highs

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FEBRUARY 13th, 2024

today was the day. the day that is very special for lots of people around the nation, especially for Trav. the day was the Super Bowl 58. the chance for Travis to secure his 3rd ring and the chiefs to become the first back to back Super Bowl winners in 19 years.

not to add anything more but, i am 37 weeks pregnant today. i can't tell what i'm more nervous for. being this far along and not at home where everything runs more smoothly is making my hormones go crazy. my patience has went down tremendously and i can't wait to get home and get this baby out. fortunately, my sickness from earlier this week has passed through.

Travis has been sleeping at the team hotel for the past 2 nights, as it is required. but, i can say the bed feels pretty lonely without him. Morgan is still a daddy's girl and is slowly entering the terrible twos a little early. that doesn't fit well with the fact Travis isn't their to tend to Morgan when she cries for him. usually, she'll call for him and i'll go over and try and comfort her, letting her know he isn't here which throws her more into a spiral. and guess what, it happening again tonight.

at around 2:30 i hear a sound i am very familiar with, Morgan's cries. i put my hand over my face for a second, taking in how early it is. i hit the button on the baby monitor and speak into as i get up, "hold on baby, mommy's coming."

i enter her room and she is standing up in her crib, face red, hair a mess and arms reaching out for me. "oh my baby, what's up?" i ask, rubbing her back. "mommy tummy hurts." is what she replies. great, great, great!!

i take a sigh and i move some of her hair out of her face, "alright, let's get you some medicine. do you wanna go sleepy with mommy?" she nods in response. i head towards the bathroom and open the cabinet with the medicine. thank god i decided to bring some tummy medicine. i pour the medicine into the cup. Morgan hates taking medicine and most of the time we have to practically shove it in her mouth.

"ready, open up Morgan." i say bringing the cup closer to her mouth. "nooo mommy that no yummy!!" M says, pushing it away, with her free arm. she still has her cast on, but it sure does not stop her from anything.

"i know but you gotta take it to make your tummy feel better." i say, now giving her a more serious tone. of course she responds with screaming "noooo!!" so, i turn around and place her on the counter, putting my hand under her chin, bringing the cup to her lips and tip it up into her mouth. she fights it, and i wasn't able to pour it in her mouth.

"come on, work with me Morgan." i try again and manage to get it in her mouth. "all done." Morgan is still having quite the tantrum, and i pick her up and she puts her head in my neck. "your not having the best day today girlie." i tell her.

"you ready to go back night night?" all she does is mumble back and slight "mm." her hair is crazy, so i decide to brush it all out and throw it in a ponytail so it stays out of her face. im hoping we can make it through the rest of the night without her waking up or vomiting.

as we're laying in bed Morgan asks me a question. "mama where's, where's daddy?" she asks, playing with my hair. she always plays with my hair before she goes to sleep. that's how Travis and i always know when she is sleepy.

"daddy's staying at another hotel, with Uncle Patrick, Mr. Andy, Mr. Blake and a bunch of his other teammates. we'll get to see him for a little bit in the morning, and then he's gotta go play football."

"me want to see daddy." she says as she points to herself. "me too honey, but we better get to sleep, because in the morning we can see daddy." and just like that, she was off to bed and luckily she didn't wake up for the rest of her sleep.

i wake up in the morning at a later time then usual, around 8:30. Morgan is next to me, sound asleep, so i take this as a chance to get myself ready. i hop in the shower, and get on a pregame outfit since ill do my makeup, hair and outfit later in the day. my phone beeps with a text message from none other than Trav.

Travis: Good Morning Tay! Hope Morgs wasn't causing any trouble throughout the night. I am heading to the hotel right now

Taylor: Morning, Morgan was up for a little because her tummy hurt. I gave her some medicine, which was quite the struggle. But she is still sleeping and allowed me to get a shower 😊 See you soon

right after i hit send, i heard some little footsteps coming towards her in the bathroom. Morgan is standing in the doorway with her paci in her mouth and rubbing her eyes. "Mommy" she says.
"hi baby!" i say picking her up and she rests her head on my shoulder. "hows your tummy?"

"bwetter." she replies. "that's good. do you wanna have some breakfast before daddy gets here?" and she nods in response. we head downstairs and see my mom sitting on the couch. "hi, honey. hi morgs!"

Morgan stays quiet, still not feeling 100%. "i think she has a little tummy bug." i reassure her. "oh no, hopefully she feels better."

"yea, i am hoping seeing Trav will cheer her up." we start making breakfast, which will be eggs and toast today. while we're eating, the long awaited guest arrives. of course M jumps right up and runs to her daddy. "hi baby girl, how you doing." he asks Morgan. "my tummy hurt. mommy make me take not yummy stuff."

"oh really, we'll I'm sure it will help your tummy ache." he says, looking over and smiling at me. i smile back and he walks over with Morgan on his hip. "hi, my love." he says, bending down to give me a kiss. "how you feeling?"

"i am feeling very pregnant, that's what i'm feeling."

"this baby will probably ready anytime soon." he says, rubbing my belly.

"i don't even want to think about it."

for a while we all talk while Morg finishes up her breakfast while soaking in as much time with her dad as she can.

before we know it, Trav has to leave. i knew it would be short, but time literally just flew by. he hands Morgan over to me, giving her a kiss on the head. he envelopes me in a hug saying, "alright bye, i love you a lot."

"go kick some ass. i love you too." i say, patting him on the back.


the scene at the stadium is incredibly beautiful and unbelievable. the amount of celebrity's and even the amount of fans here are insane. the game wasn't exactly a smooth ride but the chiefs were able to secure the win in the 4th quarter.

and no, it did not happen. i am still pregnant, no baby, just for a little though. well, i wonder when this baby is finally gonna make its arrival.

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