Sudden Appearance...

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TW's~ (First chapter so not a lot of Tw's)

This chapter is mainly gonna be about Clock meeting Winner, but most of the book will be the past between Winner and Loser! :3

No Pov's-

"Okay, have fun making your teams!" Two said while slamming the hotel doors opened. Every object was squished in an elevator after doing a Cake At Stake, which was just to let two debuters join the show, Price Tag and Winner. As every object leaves the hotel entrance, they all scatter around the burnt grasslands, ready to make teams.

As some objects make a team, there was a clock that was frozen, staring at the pale blue debuter. "Hey clock! What'chu looking at?" A chocolate cake asks, appearing behind the clock. He didn't respond since he was still focused on the debuter.

"Clock? Uh, hello..?" Cake then said, a bit confused by Clocks behaviour.

Clock snaps out of his daze, turning around, now looking at the cake instead of Winner.
"I-it's winner! You guys remember Winner, right?" As Eggy's walking by, she suddenly stops walking "Winner? Who the egg is that?" Clock stares at Eggy, dumbfounded that she didn't know who they were.

"Don't tell me you don't know about them" Clock said to Eggy, weirded that she didn't know them. "Way back at the start of Losers career, Winner and Loser were a duo! They performed together, toured together, ate chicken nuggets together... At some point, Loser went solo and hit the main stream! But, Winner? Well, they just faded into obscurity..."

Eggy just looks at Clock, not really interested in the story. "But only a true Loser fan would know that" Clock finished off, smirking with pride. Eggy then replies again: "Eh, I'm more into Losers recent work anyway". As the two bicker, Cake is just awkwardly standing silently inbetween them. Clock doesn't say anything and just stares at Eggy, not really liking how she doesn't respect or know Winner, especially since the conversation's about them. "You're not gonna really pass away this opportunity, right?" Clock kept trying to convince Eggy that Winner is a big deal just like Loser. Eggy doesn't really change her attitude, making Clock more annoyed.

After a few seconds of silence Clock then speaks "Well, suit yourself, but I'm not gonna miss out!" He begans to walking towards Winner, who's just standing in one spot, seeming to be zoned out, or just looking around. Eggy makes a "hm" sound and walks away.

In the background Cake could be heard, now a bit scared that his two friends aren't getting along and are both leaving him. Eggy makes it clear that her and Cake never talk anyway, so she doesn't seem him as a friend.

As Clock approches Winner, his breathing quickens a bit, very excited to meet his idol in person, and so close too. "H-Hey, winner!" Clock says excitedly trying not to seem awkward for the first time him and Winner talk face to face. his face lighting up as his attitude from Eggy disappears. As Winner turns around they wave, a hand coming out of the top of their head "Oh! Heya!" They say gleefully.

 As Winner turns around they wave, a hand coming out of the top of their head "Oh! Heya!" They say gleefully

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Clocks face lights up way more as he hears their voice, starting to become slightly overstimulated. Clocks hands start to slightly move, making a ticking sound each time they do; he can't help it though, his idol, one of the duo is actually talking to him, one on one.

"Uhm, are you alright?" The ex-idol asks, Clocks head nods quickly as he's unable to control his movements "Yep! Yep! Perfectly fine!!" He said, trying not to seem weird. Even if his voice is a bit louder and faster than usual. Winner doesn't notice or mention it though, since they've never met Clock.

"Okay thennn..." Winner just shrugs it off and sees Cloudy, YellowFace, and Rocky head towards Clock and them. "Winner! Are you also a cloud?" Cloudy asks, floating up and down "I've never collected more of myself before!"

"I'm not a cloud, I'm Winner!" Winner replied "So you don't wanna connect teams?" Cloudly says in a bit of a sadder tone. "Oh! connect, I thought you said collect! Yea ofcourse we can connect teams!" Winner says, now feeling a bit akward about the mistake they made.

"I was just worried because I thought you were gonna collect me" Winner said to the cloud, laughing a bit, Cloudy does too, but more awkwardly.

As the two talk, Clock just stares at Winner, his face not changing from his glowing eyes and goofy smile. All of a sudden YellowFace speaks "This team is gonna be so much fun!" He exclaims with joy.

Bottle joins in and says "I'm gonna go where the fun is" she says as she walks to the group. Seeming to be have summons by the last word "That's the team for me!" She happily explains "Bottle, you can't be serious about this." The Australian tree trying to protest the idea of Bottle moving teams. "Uh, yea, that's why I'm switching!"

After a bit of objects trying to get team members, it's finally time to pick names even if it's not a challenge. While coming up with team names, Clock suddenly shouts "Let's be called The Winner's!"... After a few seconds, Winner themself tried to change the idea "uh... I'd rather, not have my name in the team name actually" and without a second thought Clock nervously agrees to it, just saying okay; he then looks away, now feeling quilty for making Winner uncomfortable, since he's used to Loser wanting the team name to be his name back in Battle For BFDI.

The logo that shows each team name suddenly changes to "The S!". Each team has one above where the group members are standing, like Just Nots, Are you okay?, Death P.A.C.T Again, The Strongest Team On Earth, and Team8's.

Eggy tells Two that the teams have chosen their names, Two mentions how ugly the burnt area is, Eggy states that it was brunt by the lava from before, Eraser agreeing afterwards. "Now, what colours were the trees and grass?" Two ask the group of objects. Remote quickly responds with just a simple "Green and yellow".

Immediately after, Two uses their powers to bring life back into the field, even if it's not coloured correctly, the objects seem to enjoy it more this way. Two then decides to give the teams a break before the first challenge, to let them get warmed up or relax so they aren't too nervous.

As the teams either relax outside or in the hotel, The S! is sitting by a tree, no ideas of what to do. Cloudy is talking to Rocky, Balloony, and Grassy; YellowFace is who knows where; and Clock is sitting next to Winner. He looks around and remembers that they have Ice Cube on their team, except she's tiny because of the soup Four put her in before Two came along and took this spot. Clock continues to look around and then he looks at Winner, his face continuing to stay lit up with a giant smile.

Some notice this and some don't, either way they don't question it... other than one object that sees Clocks personality change...


•This is my first book so it won't be that good!

•I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense, I do have future plans for the plot and it'll make sense in further chapters!!

•Word Count: 1251

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