Why Overthink...??

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Art will be included later :3

•No Pov's-

After about an hour of the teams relaxing before the contest, Two decides to announce the first challenge.

Two teleported onto the top of the hotel, leaving the contestants on the ground. As they were announcing the first challenge, some objects were yelling "what?!" Or "Huh?!", not able to hear Two from all the way on the ground.

Two seemed to be getting annoyed, so they just started the challenge even if the contestants couldn't properly hear the rules.

The challenge was clear enough for some, just make it to the top of the hotel and last team with all of their members at the top lose.

But who would've guess, as most of the flying objects tried to bring some of their teammates to the top by flying, Two stopped them by using their powers to prevent them from going back down. They then repeated the rules, but only to the competitors that we already up and couldn't go back down.

The contestents were clearly angered by the sudden rule that they didn't hear since Two was too high up for them to hear.

So after the challenge was over and team Death P.A.C.T Again lost, everyone started to beat Two up for their low voice; but once they were done with that, everyone ended up going back in or outside of the hotel to relax after getting so worked up.

As for The S!, they were walking around, getting used to the scenery. As Bottle was happily talking, Clock was trotting beside Winner with a gleeful smile, YellowFace was behind the group, Cloudy was floating above, and Balloony was walking like the only normal object in their group, other than Winner, who was also walking normally.

Winner's Pov•

As I was listening to Bottle talk about random things, like her old team, or just past stories, it had me thinking about my own past.

Sure, not many known about it, only me, PurpleFace, and Loser...  I started to zone out, and my walking got slower. My eyes blurred as I started thinking more and more.

A few minutes later I realize that the team I'm on was calling my name.

I blink a few times and I look around, when I look back at my team, I was now standing still with the team infront of me.

"Are you okay, Winner?!" I hear Clock say

"Uh, yea... yea I'm all good! I just got lost in thoughts, I suppose." I wave it off using my hand and giving a small smile.

"See? They're a-okay!" Said Bottle as she continues to walk. (A/N: I don't really know how to write Bottle :[ )

I follow her and the team follows, getting back into their past conversations.

Clock stays by my side, still trotting with an uneasy smile. Maybe I walk too fast for him? I am used to walking faster than most here, I suppose.

I get out of my train of thought and I slightly glance at Clock, "Would you like me to slow down, Clock?"

"O-oh! If you want! Sure!"

He kind of answer with a quick voice. Maybe that's how he talks? Eh, either way I try to slow down a bit, now taking smaller steps so he doesn't get lost behind.

It stays silent between us as we follow the group. I see Clock take occasional glances at me, but I don't question it.

Suddenly Clock asks a question: "What were you thinking about? Like when you were zoned out earlier..."

"I would prefer not to talk about it."

"Aweeeee, pleassseeee??"

I kept saying no, but Clock kept insisting that I tell him about my thoughts, I groan but I give in, not wanting to start an argument.

"Ugh, fine... I guess when Bottle was... you know, talking, she was also mentioning about her past."

"Oh!- were you thinking of your past with Loser?"

"What?" I quietly question as my body freezes, I stop moving and I just stare at Clock... How does he know about Loser? Did he not forget me like everyone else? Why did he know about our relationship?

As I was thinking, Clock taps me with his foot, I blink and I look at Clock with emotionless eyes.

"What about... Loser?"

I question slowly, there's no way he knows about Loser and I, Right?

"What? You and Loser! When you both were famous and went on tours!"

My body stiffens more, "what are you... talking about? Me and Loser? No way, I never talked to him. Never seen him before."

I try my hardest to pretend that I don't know Loser, I don't want to think about him anymore, him being in my head makes me anxious and I end up gaining a headache.

Clock continues to 'convince' me that I used to be partners with Loser when we were famous, I continue to deny it, not wanting to talk about it, even if I know that Loser and I used to talk a lot.

I started to yell...

"Can we just stop talking about it?! Fine, I know!! I already know me and Loser used to work with each other!! Just stop talking about him!!"

I suddenly shout at Clock. My headache's getting worse. He stares at me, his mouth slightly open, his hands not ticking anymore.

"I..I-I'm sorry, Clock. I didn't mean to, I just don't like talking about Loser." I quietly reply after my yelling.

"W-why?! You and Loser were best friends! Why do you not like him?!"

I blank out again...

"Why must Clock ask so many questions? Why did I yell at him? Does he forgive me? Should he forgive me? He doesn't deserve yelling, but he keeps asking so many questions! Why must he be so curious about my personal life? Is he always this personal towards others?"

I start to over think again...






We separated years ago..

Why does he make me so anxious?

Why did I ever take pity on him...??


•YAYY!! Another chapter!! :33

•Wrote this in my notes app while on a car ride across the right side of Canada :P

•This may not be good, which might be a usual thing with these chapters, but I'll end up going through them again in future times to fix grammar and sentences :]]

•Word Count: 1073

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