Special Treatment - Jongwoo

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Exhaustion was an understatement.

You shirt was drenched in sweat, your hair was frizzing, and you couldn't catch your breath for the life of you. You swore you couldn't remember the choreography for the song being this hard when it was introduced.

Part of you wanted to be grateful that you managed to keep the song you wanted, the other part was silently wishing you didn't make it past eliminations so this wouldn't be your problem anymore. It was silly and overdramatic, but you were just completely over it.

You were never the best dancer. Sure, practicing repeatedly always did the trick, but something about this song just wasn't working. Your arms didn't want to cooperate, your legs were doing the exact opposite of what you wanted. The one time your body did listen was when you decided to lay on the floor in defeat, eyes closing as you relished in the relief that the cold floor offered you.

As your eyes shot open at the sound of the door closing, fear washes over you as you realize you fell asleep.

"Shit, shit, shit, no." You whined as you scrambled to your feet, nearly losing your balance in the process.

"Hey, careful there." You heard as you felt someone grab you to help you steady yourself. "You can't just wake up and jump to your feet like that."

You turned and saw that it was Jongwoo.

You two weren't exactly close, but you wouldn't say you were strangers. You went before him during the Star Level test. You went after him during the final assessment test. Your practice rooms were always next to each other. Maybe it was because you two never worked together, but you never really had the chance to talk to each other.

You quickly straightened yourself and stepped away.

"Why are you even in here?" You spoke through a yawn as you stretched your arms out.

"I went to get some coffee because I'm still working on the choreography. I haven't really slept so I thought this was our practice room. Then you almost fell over, so now, here we are." He chuckled. "You must really be behind if that's how you reacted to falling asleep."

"A bit." You sighed as you ran your hands down your face, frustration completely taking over. "I just can't get it down. I'm kinda hoping I get kicked out after eliminations, so I don't have to do this."

Jongwoo's face fell.

"C'mon, don't say that." He tried before taking in how you didn't seem to be joking. "Is it really that bad?"

You nodded slowly.

"And it sucks because I really like this song. I thought I could get this down, but it's been three days and I'm still getting nowhere." You sighed again. "I wouldn't expect one of the top dancers in the competition to understand."

"Well, what if this 'top dancer' helped you?" He offered. "Because I did learn all the songs in case I get kicked out of my group." He chuckled.

"You don't have to." You shook your head. "It's too much to ask."

"Well, you didn't ask." He smiled. "I offered."

You wanted to counter his statement but he was quick to push you towards the center of the room before playing the music again.

"Show me where you're at."

You didn't push back, too busy trying to find the moves to the part that started playing. You weren't entirely lost earlier, but something about the way his eyes were locked on you had your brain fuzzy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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