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It's Monday morning and Elizabeth wakes up in her bed with a massive headache. She debates if she can still make it to her lectures, but decided against it as the pounding in her head gets stronger. She turns over, grabs her phone from the nightstand and navigates to her texts with Sarah.

She sends her a quick message, 'hey can't make it to school today, I got a headache :/ take notes for me?'

A minute later her phone goes off and a notification from Sarah pops up, 'of course girl, I'll swing by afterwards. want anything specific?'

'some ice cream pleaseee'

'you got it!' Sarah replies.

Elizabeth gets up from bed to grab some water and an Advil. Once she's back in bed, she closes her eyes hoping to sleep the headache off.

A few hours later Elizabeth wakes up feeling hungry and luckily the pounding in her head isn't as strong as before. She opens the fridge and notices the lack of proper food; she makes a mental note that she'll need to go grocery shopping soon. For now, she grabs some leftover mac and cheese and heats it up. As she sits on the couch eating her pasta and watching tv, Sarah walks in, having a key to her apartment in case of emergencies.

"Hey girl, how are you feeling?"

"A bit better now. You got the ice cream?"

"Of course, chocolate chip cookie dough, you're favourite!" She says as she puts it in the freezer.

"Oh, you're the best thank you," Elizabeth says going over and embracing Sarah in a big bear hug.

Elizabeth has been best friends with Sarah since the fifth grade. They got close fast and have been beside each other ever since, spending all their free time with each other. They're families have gotten close too and they've taken a few summer trips abroad. They tell each other everything and though they may have had some ups and downs in the relationship, they've worked through them and became closer, both seeing each other as sisters.

When Elizabeth's family died, Sarah was her rock. Sarah's family took her in and helped her with many things. They made sure she was okay and helped her when she decided to sell the house. They helped her find an apartment of her own and helped her move in. Elizabeth is grateful for Sarah and her family and feels as though she owes them a lot for sticking around.

After Elizabeth's family died, Sarah found herself becoming protective of Elizabeth. She's never seen Elizabeth so broken before and it felt awful to see her best friend experience so much pain and grief and not be able to take it away from her. For a long time afterwards, Elizabeth lost her spark and was sad all the time, and Sarah did her best to take care of her. What Elizabeth doesn't know is that Sarah feels as though she should have done more for her and so she's made a silent promise to Elizabeth that she'll be there for her no matter where is in life.

Sarah noticed that Elizabeth has been happier these last few weeks and thinks back to the day when she first mentioned three particular men that have come into her life and wonders if they played any part in bringing up Elizabeth's mood.

"Soooo," Sarah says as she take a seat on the couch. "You seem happier and you're smiling more. This wouldn't have anything to do with those three men, would it?"

"Well-," Elizabeth starts before Sarah jumps in saying, "what were their names again?"

"Eli, Hunter, and Sawyer." Elizabeth replies, thinking about how beautiful they are and the amazing weekend she had with them.

"See, you're smiling right now! Tell me more, did they ask you to be their girlfriend yet?"

"Not yet. But I'm not even sure if they want me like that."

And so it goes: A Mafia RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now