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When Bora and Siyeon decided to adopt their first child, they weren't expecting to be offered a hybrid. Yubin was a baby human and eagle mix, and although they were looking for a full human, their heartstrings were tugged at learning that every other family had passed her by. So, they adopted their baby bird when she was one year old.

Yubin was a very curious child, always getting into some sort of trouble. She would taste-test just about everything: rocks, grass, dirt,...worms..., but Bora and Siyeon loved her inquisitiveness. They knew that being curious would get her far in life. They loved their baby bird and hoped she would never change her love for hugs and cuddles.


Their bedroom door burst open, startling them awake. Loud giggling could be heard as they felt an extra weight climb onto the bed and slip in between them. Siyeon squinted her eyes open to see her baby bird slip under the covers and snuggle up to Bora, "What are you doing up?" She reached out to tame Yubin's hair.

"I couldn't sleep anymore. And I wanted to cuddle!" Yubin said, still giggling a little and leaning into Siyeon's touch. Suddenly she looked worried and anxious, "...Was I wrong...?"

"No, no, can come cuddle anytime you want to." Siyeon calmed her, scooting closer to kiss her forehead. "Can we try to sleep a bit more?" She whispered, "Mommy's extra tired..."
Yubin nodded her head and snuggled back into Bora's arms.


But, as all children do, she had a nightmare phase. They weren't very frequent and usually only occurred with thunderstorms. Something about the flashes of light followed by a loud rumble that rattled the house turned Yubin's dreams into fitful nightmares. However, this time, it seemed the nightmare was more than about monsters under the bed.


Even in deep sleep, Bora could tell something wasn't right. As the inkling grew fiercer, she slowly rose from sleep and already saw that Siyeon was sitting up in bed.

"What's wrong?" She whispered, seeing the concerned look on her wife's face.

"I thought I heard Yubin cry out...but now it's quiet..." Siyeon replied, looking at their door in concentration.

All of a sudden they heard a loud, terrible scream that had them scrambling out the door and into Yubin's room.

Their baby bird was sitting up in bed, tears streaming down her face as she loudly sobbed, little hands trying to wipe her tears. Siyeon immediately scooped her into her arms, cradling her to her chest, sitting on the edge of the bed. Bora sat on the other side, alternating between caressing Yubin's head, kissing her head, and rubbing her back.

Yubin's cries showed no signs of stopping, and both Siyeon and Bora were worried she would make herself sick.

"Baby? What's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" Siyeon asked worriedly, rocking her a little to try and calm her. But Yubin just continued to cry, clinging to Siyeon's shirt.

"Maybe she just needs to let it all out..." Bora suggested, slowly rubbing her baby's back.

After about fifteen minutes, Yubin's cries finally became soft sniffles and little whimpers, but she still showed no sign of letting go.

Siyeon asked again, "What's wrong baby? Did you have a nightmare?"

This time Yubin nodded her little head, giving a little whimper as well.

"Oh baby...what happened?" Bora asked softly, kissing her little head.

Instead of answering, Yubin hiccupped a little and started crying softly, refusing to answer.

Siyeon and Bora both looked at each other worriedly. What could their little girl have dreamed about that made her this terrified? Normally, they were about a monster snatching her underneath the bed that was easily solved with a bed check and a kiss goodnight, but both of them were dismayed and heartbroken at their inability to soothe their baby bird.

Realizing that Yubin wouldn't open up to them tonight about what had terrified her, they both mentally decided to take her back to their bedroom. "Would you like to sleep with us baby?" Siyeon whispered to her, giving her a little kiss on her hair.

Yubin gave a small nod against her shirt and tightened her grip on her shirt.Siyeon carefully lifted Yubin up and onto her hip, and rocking her gently slowly made her way back to their bedroom, Bora following behind.Once in the room, Siyeon tried setting Yubin down, but she only tightened her grip and whimpered, making Siyeon pause. It would be difficult to get in bed without putting her down, but she could make it. So, she sat on the bed and slowly lowered herself on her back, then turned to the side to allow Yubin to get comfortable. Yubin released her grip only to grab both of their arms close. They scooted closer, both putting their arms around her. Now, Yubin had calmed down enough to go back to sleep, all that crying had tired her out. Bora used a bit of her sleeve to dry her tears and gently kissed her head. At least for tonight Yubin would be okay, they could rest knowing their baby bird was safe and sound, comfortable in their arms to hopefully have a restful sleep.

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