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I sat on a log next to Paul as we waited for the rest of the council to show up. All we are waiting for is for the Areteras to show up. I felt nervous as I heard a car pull up.  I looked down at the fire picking my black nail polish.

"Everything will work out.  I promise." Paul whispered and grabbed my hand to stall my picking.  He seemed to know that was my nervous tell.

"Remember when I said Alice sees the Future?" I asked lowly as I watched the Areteras approach.

"Yeah?" He asked in a strained voice.

"She saw us meeting at the treaty line.  For months.  What if that is what they are going to force us to do. You are never in anything other than wolf form.  But her visions change depending on the decision of said person.  So if we can put doubt into their minds maybe I can stay.  Or?" I was cut off by Billy greeting them.

The tan couple had hard looks on their faces.  The women looked upset.  Almost sad.  And the man.  He looked angry. His long hair braided back and his eyebrows were almost touching with anger.

"Quil and Terra.  Please join us." Harry said as he placed a hand on Sue's knee.

"Why are we even discussing this?" Quil Sr. Said in a disgusted tone sitting next to Harry.  Terra sitting stiffly next to him

"Because Paul is pack. His imprint affects his life. Which means it affects the pack. Pack overall affects the tribe." Sam said in a stern tone and Emily placed a comforting hand on his knee.

"She is our enemy.  She shouldn't be sitting here on our land holding hands with our shifter. Like this is a normal day." Quil all but yelled. I wanted to roll my eyes.

"Paul isn't just ours now.  He has never been just ours." Sam said warningly.

"She is a killer. She kills people." Quil yelled standing up and pointed his finger at me. "You will kill Paul."

I stood up yanking away from Paul. This has gone way farther than I ever thought it would. He is accusing me of doing things I never have or will do.  I have never killed a human.

"Look at my eyes.  They are golden.  Because I never once drank human blood. Not willingly. I have never killed a human. I never will. Some of us were forced into this life. Paul is my mate. I would never hurt him. And for you to suggest otherwise." I said feeling anger flooding my body. I didn't even notice the fire starting to become out of control until I felt Paul grab me back. Away from the flames. The flames that have flared high and wide.  Almost touching me.

"Calm down Violet!"

"She is dangerous!"  Terra wailed frightened while Sam yelled over at me.

I wanted to relish in me being wrapped in Paul's arms. This is a first for me. He has never wrapped his arms around me like this.  Never in an almost embrace. It felt nice.  It felt like home. He removed his arms before sitting down. Not looking at me.

I turned back to the council. They all have looks of horror on their face except for Billy. I looked away knowing my fate has been sealed.

"Look.  I mean it when I say I didn't choose this life.  Maybe Paul can explain it to you. He has my full permission to share my story. But know it may be early in our relationship. I promise Paul will never be hurt by my kind. Just like I would hope one of the shifters wouldn't harm me. Not only is Paul is my Mate but my soul is connected to his through our imprint bond" I turned to look at him and smiled softly at him before turning back to the council.

"I know that your ancestors have aligned us for a reason.  I will respect the treaty. I will not come on to your land without Chief permission. Paul is more than welcome on Cullen land. I should be going now. I will wait at the treaty line at 3:30 as I know Paul loves his morning patrols and loves taking a nap in the afternoon after." I said and I turned to walk away but my hand was grabbed by Paul. 

He had tears in his eyes and my heart broke.  I reached a hand up and placed it on his face gently. He leaned into it and I wanted to stay.  So bad.  But I knew that this wouldn't go anywhere but fight more. He leaned down and placed his forehead on mine.  His warm skin against my cool skin was like laying in the warm sun. It wrapped around me causing peace to run through me.

"Please.  Don't go." He whispered and a single tear fell. I quickly swiped in away.  They don't get to see him cry.

"I don't think I have much choice. I have caused enough issues. With both sides." I said remembering my conversation with Rose.

"I will fix this.  I promise. We will figure this out.  Together." Paul whispered and I nodded with a soft smile.

I pulled away and sped off.  It was like a huge hole opened in my chest as I got further away. I stopped in front of the Cullen house.  It isn't home anymore.  My home is standing on the soft sand of La Push with tears in his eyes. My heart squeezed. I looked up at the figures coming out.  Everyone was there except Edward.

"Welcome home." Rose said in a relieved voice and a smile on her face. I felt my nose wrinkle at the words.

"I am only here because the council kicked me off the Rez. I think we all know that my home isn't here anymore." I snap walking up the stairs. I should say sorry to rose as her eyes cast down and I saw Emmett glare at me before rubbing Rose's back.

"It will work out. I promise." Alice said with a smile and I rolled my eyes.

"Well. I have no proof but a possibility.  Thanks Alice but my mates council hates me. No chance that will change. Especially with Edward mate being a human. I doubt they will want me anywhere near Paul after he changes her." I scoffed before opening the door. To go.

"Violet." Esme snapped and I turned to her with a sad look.

"I just lost my mate for the second time.  I am really not in the mood for a family meeting. Especially a family who wants me to break my mate bond after 75 years with out one." I snap again before going to my room.  Slamming the door.  I threw a small fire ball into the fireplace looking at the flames as I stood by the door to my balcony for hours.

I think Rose and Emmett left.  I can hear Esme sketching in her office while jasper and Alice are playing chess.  I can hear Carlise typing on his computer.  I use to relish in this but now it feels odd.  I have been living with humans.  The smell became home.  I want to be with Emily cooking for the boys.  I want to laugh at Paul wrestling with Embry in the yard. Either winner boasting for the next hour until a rematch ensues. Sam always researching or talking with Emily.  Or them sneaking off for little rendezvous. I smiled at the memories of my life the last month. I felt the hole that hasn't been there open more as I thought more about Paul. My Paul.

His hand in mine. The warmth mixing with cold.  The perfect combination. My cold skin felt good to him and vise versa.  It has been perfect. Until tonight.  I sighed wanting my Paul here next to me. My wolf.

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