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Okay, really short prologue. Like only six pages. But don't worry, I will try and make this as good as my other Naruto fanfics. Anyways, hope you like it, and leave tons of comments!

P.S. (because I'm feeling generous) As a little sneak peak for the future, I have two other Naruto fanfics coming your way later on. One where Naruto has a Doujutsu, and with (as much as I despise it, I decided to give it a chance) time traveling.

Building blurred past Itachi as he raced through Konoha like the hounds of hell was behind him. His clan was dead, his baby brother hates him, and now he was probably one of the most hated people in the village now. Yay. Could this day get any worse? Hopefully not.

The Uchiha prodigy continued to race through the village, till he heard a small whimpering sound. "Wait, that couldn't be," he muttered as he stopped on the roof of a building. Itachi looked down to see a blonde boy covered in blood. "Oh no, Naruto," he whispered as he jumped down and inspected the little six year old.

"It's saddening, isn't it?" a voice said from behind him. Quickly, Itachi pulled out a kunai out of his weapon pouch, and got ready to attack...only to see the Third Hokage standing there. "Lord Hokage," he greeted a bit surprised at the aged ninja's presence.

Hiruzen nodded and walked towards Itachi and the unconscious Naruto. "I take it that you have done the deed," he assumed. "Yes," Itachi said monotoned. Hiruzen smiled sadly, "We were both tricked, don't feel bad," he said softly. Itachi muttered something under his breath. "I guess," he sighed.

"Itachi, I want you to do something for me," Hiruzen said. "Anything, Lord Hokage," the Uchiha prodigy answered. "I want you to take Naruto away from Konoha, and send him back in time to become a Genin," Hiruzen instructed. Itachi nodded, "I will, Lord Hokage," he said as he caressed the six year old's cheek.

"You see a little bit of Sasuke in him," Hiruzen observed with an all knowing look in his eyes. Itachi nodded, "Yes, I see a few traits in Naruto, that I see in my little brother," he said softly. Hiruzen nodded, "You better get going. The ANBU will probably be here soon," he commented. Itachi nodded and picked up Naruto in his arms.

"Train him well and take good care of him, Itachi. He's like a grandson to me," Hiruzen said. Itachi nodded, "And he's like another little brother to me," he said. Hiruzen smiled softly, "I knew it was a good idea to assign you as his bodyguard," he said as he disappeared with into a puff of smoke.

Itachi laughed softly, "Shadow Clone, I should have known," he muttered as he started to leave the village.

~End of Flashback~

"Hey, Itachi, you zoned out again," the shark like man said from beside the Uchiha prodigy. Itachi blinked, "Just reminiscing, Kisame," he said monotoned. "Well, stop reminiscing. I want to spare," Kisame said with a smirk. "Maybe later," Itachi replied as he started to walk away.

"Well, what's got him in a bad mood," Kisame muttered as he watched his partner disappear into the forest.

Once he was away from his partner, Itachi slowly placed his fingers to his mouth and whistled. A few seconds after he whistled, a crow flew down from the sky, and landed on Itachi's shoulder. "How have you been?" Itachi asked softly. The crow cawed and nipped the raven haired man on the earlobe. "I'm glad. You know what day today is, right?" Itachi asked his companion.

The crow looked down, and cawed softly. A small smile graced Itachi's lips, and he scratched his crow under the beak. "Do not fret, Naruto, we will meet again someday. If it is on opposite sides, then know I don't mean anything that I say," he said softly. Naruto cawed and nudged Itachi on the cheek.

"Now, go," Itachi whispered softly. Naruto cawed and flew off into the distance. The Uchiha prodigy watched as his student/adopted little brother fly off. "Good luck, Naruto. Make me proud," he said softly as he turned around, and walked away.

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