Ch 1 ~Nervously Getting Ready~

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Ch 1

~Nervously Getting Ready~

Hannah's Pov

My uncle is throwing this small party to celebrate his wife, my aunt, her 35th birthday. Guess who's gonna be there!
Paul Sidoti
If you are not a big Swiftie, you're probably gonna think, who the heck is that?!
He's in Taylor's band. He's also my uncles best friend! Because Taylor loves her band mates so much, she onece even had a guy from Kiss, Paul's favourite band, call him up on his birthday! One reason why I love Tay so much!❤❤She's so sweet and giving and caring!!


"Hannah, are you ready??!!!" My mom yells up from down stairs.
"Almost!!!" I yell back. This is a serious night for me. I have to look good.
I finish putting on my blue diamond earrings (Dont worry, I'm 13, they are not actually real diamonds) and run down the steps to put my navy blue heals on.
I stand up all ready and ask impatiently, "Can we go?!"
"Alright! We were the ones waiting for you, ya know." my dad says.
Then we head out the door.
In the car, I just keep trying to figure out what I'm going to say to him. This is the first time I finally get to meet him and I don't want to ruin it. It's not like I'm gonna try to use him to get to Taylor, like how people do that with her brother, Austin. But it is still really cool to be able to get to meet one of Taylor's friend/band mate.

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