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"Guides here." Georgie said marching into the kitchen whilst y/n was doing the laundry and George SR was having breakfast.

"Julia Robert's and Lyle Lovett." George said, sitting down next to his father. "What does she see in him?"

"Women love musicians." George SR shrugged.

"Man," Georgie chuckled. "I gotta learn to play guitar."

"And why's that?" Y/n asked loudly from the laundry, turning to face him with a not so impressed look on her face.

"To sing to you?" Georgie said in a questioning tone.

Y/n rolled her eyes and got back to the laundry.

"Nice save, Romeo." George SR said.

"Oh, look and other letter from mum." Georgie said, passing the letter to his father.

"Aww." Y/n said walking closer with the washing basket, "I think it's so romantic you two writing to each other."

George SR smiled proudly.

"Just cause he's a cheap skate." Georgie scoffed.

"It can be both." George SR defended.

"Well, I think it's sweet." Y/n shrugged.

Georgie stood up, "Well I can write you a letter if you want." He said, placing his hands on her hips.

"Make sure your spelling is spot on." Y/n said, starting to walk to their bedroom.

"I can use small words." Georgie defended, following after her.


A few minutes later y/n heard an interesting conversation from Missy's room between her and her father.

After George SR left Missy's room, y/n immediately went in there as Georgie was looking after Jane after she awoke from her nap.

"Is Taylor really a gal pal?" She asked quietly and Missy shook her head, smiling.

"Close the door." She whispered.

Y/n did just that and jumped onto Missy bed beside her.

"Tell me everything." She said.

Missy told her about Taylor, how they met, how their dates are going and also that she really likes him.

"So you're about to go to his house?" Y/n asked after Missy finished.

"Yep, watching a movie." She nodded. "I feel like he could be my first real boyfriend."

Y/n chuckled. "I remember those days." She said and Missy gave her a look.

"Oh yeah, I just realised I don't know anything about your old boy toys from Australia, tell me!" Missy urged.

Y/n rolled her eyes, "they weren't boy toys but fine. I had three boyfriends before I moved." She said.

"At the same time?" Missy asked.

"No!" Y/n said quickly, "At different times, my first boyfriend I was about your age, only lasted about 4 months, my second was when I was 15, I dated him for just under a year and my last one was when I was 16 and we broke up about 2 months before I moved."

"Wow." Missy said, "Does Georgie know?"

Y/n rolled her eyes, "Yes he knows about my old boyfriends and I am happily engaged to him now so don't be bringing it up."


Dear y/n,

There are so many things I love about you, I don't know where to start. You always look so beutifal even when you're angry and your eyebrows connect, it looks so cute. Sure the reason I noticed you when I first saw you was because of the tight jean skirt that made your bum look like a peach and the top that popped out your pretty boobs, I stayed for what's underneath... your heart.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now