fuck yo ass u hoe

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once a pon a time, jake and I went to Macy's. there was this lady that had blonde hair and WAYY TOO MUCH MAKEUP ON was there shopping. She was @santinosmom. SHE KEPT SAYING SANTINO SANTINO DOES THIS LOOK GOOD ON MOMMY. SANTINO WHERE ARE U. so jake and I started laughing.
then we just drove around looking for trees and counting how many dogs we saw.
I then tumbled out of the car and found my sister. I screamed at her: OMG HIIIIII
my sis has got a dog that has a girlfriend that has an owner that has a friend that has another dog who had a friend who belonged to Jenna marbles who sold banana boomerangs. Jake ran to China then to Mexico to get me and the banana boomerangs.

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