Part 3

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"Yn run from here. Run as far as you can. They should not catch you at any cost. I will find you soon. Be careful till then. I really -"


Jungkook pov

My manager came to my home to discuss about my next movie and further schedules. I got the movie script. It's a quite interesting one. It's about historical love story. I am quite excited as it will be my first love movie, as I always did action movies.

"You will be having a meeting with the director and co actors about this movie, maybe after 2 or 3 days, as other actors have not yet decided."  said my manager. I have no problem with it as I have no schedule held for now.

Yn pov

Sana informed me about the actor who will be playing the lead role with me.  Jeon Jungkook, he is my favourite not only mine but everyone's favourite. I got a good opportunity to showcase my talent with my favourite artist. I read the script, as it's a love story I'm a bit nervous and as I have not met any of the starts yet. They have held a meeting maybe after 2 or 3 days is what Sana said. Let's hope for the best and I better not show my nervousness over there.

It's lunch time and I have nothing to eat now. I got ready to buy something from our and eat. I wore my hoodie and a mask,I usually wear a mask when I have to go out by myself at day time, though many people don't recognise me but still I don't want to take risks and in the morning for walking I'm a bit ok as not many people will be out yet, taking my purse and phone I went to a shop which was not too near to my home. I had something to eat over there and got something for dinner as well. While returning back I took the other route which was far from my home. I don't know why but I just like to walk and walk. Listening to music, I was walking until I saw an old lady selling some jewelleries on the road. There was not many people on the road. Somehow my eyes fell on a beautiful anklet. It was simple but still I felt hypnotic. I felt myself going nearer to it. I picked up that anklet, this simple anklet is making me go crazy. I looked at that old lady to ask her how much is this anklet. She looked even more beautiful, those eyes were as if they are trying to say me something. Her skin was a bit pale but still she was just wow for her age. I asked how much is the anklet for?. She did not say anything and just smiled looking directly at my eyes. Those eyes were so mesmerizing. She held my hand and said "You are just so beautiful my dear. I would give this for free to you but make sure you always wear this around your ankle, and don't remove this by any chance." I looked at her, she was trying to say more maybe or I just felt like that, but her hands were so soft on my hand, her hold was tight. I nodded listening to her words. She packed them and handed it to me and gave me a pleasant smile. I bid her and went back home.

As soon as I got home, I wore those anklets, it was of rose gold color which matched with my skin. It had a small heart shaped in between filled with purple Ruby stones. I don't know why that old lady said that and gave it free, and I did not even think to ask her why or question her about anything it was just like I was hypnotized. But whatever it is I liked this one very much.

I was deeply looking at my anklet when my phone rang, I looked at the called id and it was my friend. I picked up the call- " Yn are you free now? Me and others are thinking about coming to your house and spending some time with you. Will it be fine?" " Ofc, you guys can come. Even I don't have anything much to do rn. So, I'm ok with you guys coming here". We ended the call. It was my best friend Lia. We were in the same school and college. I have a group of friends. Ours was not a big group just 5 people, it's gonna be fun now....

After a few minutes everyone came; Lia, Yeji, Mark, Rose, Chan . We started to chat about our life, that's when there was a knock on the door. I don't know who has come this late as it's already 10:15 pm. I got up to see who it was as others were all busy talking with each other.


Sorry i am posting this now. I have been held up with some work and have been busy lately. I will try to make sure that I will be posting on time. I don't know how you guys are feeling after reading this. So please make sure you give your feedback about this story and if you have any suggestions on this, you can surely share it. Please comment down about the story.

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