Dying and Not Telling me is NOT a Practical Joke, Leo (FraLeo 🍋)

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AU where FraLeo is Canon instead of FraZel or CaLeo (no hate to Hazel or Calypso, they're awesome) Also, aged up cause underage lemon is bad!

Frank POV
The day started off normally, I mean sorta? The sky is cloudless, the sun is shining, the firewood is in a fireproof bag and all is fine minus the fact that no new quests have been given. But Ella and Tyson are working on that.

Anyway, it started off normally before a giant metal dragon dropped in on me having lunch. Death by half chewed sandwich was not how I wanted to die, so I did the natural thing. I ran up to it after fully chewing it.

Now you might be wondering 'Frank, why the actual fuck are you running towards a metal dragon that can, and will, possibly kill you?' And my answer is simple. It was a Happy Dragon.

Okay jokes were Leo's thing not mine, but c'mon, that was pretty good.

Back to the story, Festus landed in the middle of the field of Mars, my godly parent, and down fell a beautiful girl with long chocolate hair that looked almost as crazy as her face. Now she wasn't ugly, quite the opposite actually, but she looked tired, both mentally and physically. "Get the healers!" I ordered as swarms of demigods arrived at the field. "Frank, is that?" Hazel started.

"Probably, I'll talk to him first, then you guys can, but first, get her some water." I answered, pointing to the girl who looked exhausted. Hazel nodded firmly, then went to follow orders. "HELLO ROMANS!" Yelled an annoyingly familiar hyperactive voice.

"YOU MISSED ME? 'COURSE YA DID, NOW-," he was cut off by me harshly pulling his arm to a nearby building. It was newly built, but completely empty. "Where the actual fuck have you been?" I whisper scream at him. My hands were trembling, I was angry, understatement of the century, but a quicker way to put it.

Leo looked around frantically before rubbing his head sheepishly, "You see...it's a funny story?" I sat down and began to listen. Leo began to tell his story, but I kept zoning out. I heard bits and pieces of it, but I couldn't help me gaze from wandering to his face. His elf-like features, his small, yet extremely resistant stature, his curls, his pointy ears, his bright mischievous eyes. "You don't smell like engine oil." I remarked. Leo stopped speaking then remarked. "We flew here for, like, two days man. I don't have time to constantly give Festus check ups." He continued. Something about Apollo, but I couldn't focus.

"Who was the girl?" I asked him. I stopped again and glared. "That was like the first thing I explained. Her name is Calypso, she was stuck on an island and I saved her after dying."

"'An oath to keep with final breath..'" I recited. Leo nodded his head. He tried to continue to speak but I got up. I walked up to him and looked down, cupping his face gently in my hand, as if he might disappear any moment. "You're alive..." I whisper lightly.

"I'm alive," he chuckled back.

I picked him up as he wrapped his legs around my torso and began to kiss him. It started of small, light pecks on his lips and face, traveling to his neck and biting lightly. "Fr-Frank?" He asked, but he didn't stop me. I deepen the motions but brushing my lips against his bare skin, causing him to shiver. "Frank, the others.. Hazel..."

I look at him. "I'm not with Hazel." I stated. He looked to the archway that marked the door. "I don't know, Frank..." I shook my head disappointedly.

"I won't do anything you're uncomfortable with." I stated. Leo turned his gaze to the ground before his lips entangled with mine. "I never said I didn't like it..."

I didn't hesitate to kiss back, our lips intertwined before I began to slip my tongue in his mouth. He let out soft moans as our tongues wrapped over each other. "If you die on me, or even pretend to, I will not forgive you. Understood?" I hugged. Leo's face was red, his curly hair was tangled and his shirt was crumpled messily. Slight drool leaked from the corner of his mouth as he backed away in a daze. "U-uh huh.." he agreed.


My mind was in shambles, actually, worse than that, it was a disaster . Frank kissed me. Actually that's not the confusing part, well it is, but less confusing than me liking it! Frank began to talk but I back away, a bit of saliva caught at the edge of my mouth. Was it mine, or Franks?

The thought made my face turn deep red before (literally) erupting in flames. Frank looked concerned as he walked towards me and help my hands in his. I know I am short, but in his arms I felt he could cover me entirely. It was strangely comforting. "Say it." He said, no, 'commanded' is more the word. I shivered, then cringed. What the fuck is wrong with me today? I wondered.

"S-say what?" I stuttered. What the actual fuck, why am I stuttering??

"Promise that you won't die, or pretend to. Or plan to." He said it softly, like he didn't want to scare me away. Like I was a startled creature who would disappear without a trace. I blush again, his dark hair was cut to a neat buzz and he lost the baby fat, making him turn from adorable to quite manly. "I promise not to die," I mumbled

He smiled softly the lifted my chin to his. "Good boy~" I could feel the heat intensifying on my face, I'm pretty sure I was on fire again, but Franks comforting face said otherwise. He leaned down and gave me a kiss, not as hungry as the one before, but tender and gentle, like he never wanted to lose me. It was addicting.

A knock at an archway caused us to break quickly as Reyna and Hazel stepped from the white walls. Hazel, despite herself, gave me one of the most painful punches I have ever felt. "Dying and not telling us is NOT a 'practical joke', Leo!" She yelled. Reyna just stood there with her arm out to cease any more violence from the daughter of Pluto.

"Calypso told us we'll be having a visitor soon," Reyna started. Then came the bad news, from yours truly.

Word Count: 1105
Ship: Frank x Leo

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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