Ch 12: Fiery-haired woman

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Disclaimer: Dion/Hel is not stronger than Naza. I just wanna remind you all that Naza is older and stronger. She only submitted to Hel because she lost a lot of her pack members due to her negligence and felt guilty. The only ones left were her mate and the weaker ones and there was no way she'd be able to protect them with only four of her strongest pack members. What Naza lacks is a pack that can keep up with her strength. The vampires outnumbered them. Maybe, Hel might surpass her in the future but, it's a maybe. Plus, I don't believe every MC should be the strongest of all the characters.


The following day, Anna exited Hel's room in an awkward manner. The guards tactfully ignored the disheveled state of her hair, despite her appearing physically fine due to her body's remarkable healing abilities. Shortly after, Rosaline made her presence known with a look of disdain on her face. "You are aware that I sleep just a few feet away from your cave," she remarked.

"I didn't know," Hel answered honestly while sipping fresh blood from a wine glass. She set it down on her table and bent down to pick up the items that had fallen on her floor.

"I won't be surprised. Your scents filled the entire hallway," Rosaline gestured, waving her finger at Hel as she watched her clean up her room. "I'm pretty sure it clouded my scent," she continued.

Hel's admission was unexpected, but Rosaline seemed unfazed as she observed her tidying up the room. The exchange between the two creatures was casual yet filled with unspoken understanding.

Hel hummed as she neatly arranged her belongings on the table. On one side, there were empty papers, while on the other side, there were papers filled with writings. The pens and pencils were carefully placed in a beautiful, mulberry antique glass with golden streaks adorning it. Rosaline couldn't help but notice Hel's preference for cleanliness and organization. She sat down on Hel's seat, observing her with amusement.

"Why do you put everything in a specific order?" Rosaline asked, folding her arms while studying her room.

"It's just easier to find stuff.. and faster. If you know where you placed them, you don't have to search the entire place for it," Hel answered, glancing at Rosaline sitting on her seat.

Rosaline hummed softly to show her contentment. Hel had no issue with the blonde woman making herself comfortable in her room, as their bond had deepened over the years. Hel had known Rosaline since she was 14, but she had no memory of being rescued by her from the rogue vampires.

Hel was now 34 years old but she still felt like she was 19. As she gazed at the table, she let out a content sigh and gently rubbed her palms together, removing any dust that could've settled on her fingertips from picking up the papers off the floor. The remnants of Anna, across the floor and table, had already been meticulously cleaned up beforehand.

Shortly thereafter, both of them went out to observe the human captives and Hel found herself occupying Jemiah's position. She took two strides away from her original spot and positioned herself closer to the very same woman who had assigned her cleaning duties 15 years ago.

She surveyed the area, her intense crimson eyes seeking out a set of inviting coffee brown ones. Utilizing her keen sense of smell and sharp eyesight, she quickly located the redhead in a matter of seconds. The redhead was already gazing back at her, but upon being caught, the shorter woman promptly averted her eyes.

BOOK I: A Beating Heart(G!P)Where stories live. Discover now