Starless Night

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Nine stood alone on the balcony of the grand castle, his silhouette a solitary figure against the backdrop of the vast, starless sky. The darkness seemed to press in around him, a heavy blanket that stifled the usual twinkling of the stars that adorned the heavens. As the prince of the stars, it was an unsettling sensation to behold a sky so empty.

Lost in his thoughts, he barely noticed the soft footsteps approaching. It was Abéyss, the lord of the South, his loyal friend and confidant, who noticed Nine's solemn demeanour. With a gentle touch, Abéyss placed a comforting hand on Nine's shoulder. "Are you alright, Nine? You've been standing here for quite some time," he remarked, his voice filled with concern.

Nine let out a sigh, his gaze still fixed above. "It's just... unsettling, Abéyss. To be the prince of the stars and yet see none shining above. It's as if my purpose, my very essence, is dimmed in their absence."

Abéyss nodded, his eyes reflecting understanding and sympathy. "I can only imagine how that must feel, my friend. But remember, even without the stars, your light shines brightly. You may be a prince of the stars, but to me, you are always a beacon of hope and strength."

A faint, grateful smile tugged at Nine's lips at Abéyss's words. "Thank you, Abéyss. Your friendship means more to me than any celestial title."

With a comforting pat on Nine's back, Abéyss offered words of reassurance. "Don't let the absence of stars diminish your spirit, Nine. You are so much more than your title. You will

always be a star in my eyes, lighting up​​ the darkness with your presence."

Nine couldn't help but chuckle softly at Abéyss's attempt, though it did bring warmth to his heart. "As cheesy as that comment was, it does bring me some comfort. Thank you, my friend."

As they stood together, gazing out into the starless night sky, Nine felt a shift within him. Despite the absence of stars above, he realised that his light, his purpose, was not defined by celestial bodies. With Abéyss by his side, he knew that even in the darkest of nights, he would always shine bright.

At that moment, something unspoken passed between them, a silent acknowledgement of the bond they shared. The cool night air seemed to crackle with unseen energy, and Nine found himself drawn to Abéyss in a way he hadn't fully realised before. His heart fluttered as he looked into Abéyss's eyes, seeing reflected a warmth and understanding that mirrored his own.

"Abéyss," Nine began, his voice barely above a whisper, "at this moment, with you by my side, I feel as though I have found the truest light. It's not in the stars above, but in the friendship and love you've shown me."

Abéyss's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but a soft smile graced his lips. "Nine, my dear friend, you've always had a light within you. And if I have been able to help you see it more clearly, then I am truly grateful."

Without another word, Nine closed the distance between them, his heart pounding like a drum in his chest. With trembling hands, he cupped Abéyss's face, his touch conveying all the longing and desire he had kept hidden for so long. Leaning in, he captured Abéyss's lips in a passionate kiss, igniting a fire that burned brighter than any star in the sky.

It was a moment of raw emotion, of two souls finally surrendering to the magnetic pull drawing them together. In that embrace, amidst the starless night, they found not just solace, but a blazing passion that consumed them both. Each touch, each caress, spoke volumes of the love they had harboured, now set free in the darkness. And as they lost themselves in each other, they knew that this love would be their guiding light, illuminating even the darkest of nights.

As they pulled back, their foreheads resting against each other, Nine felt a sense of completeness wash over him. The emptiness of the sky above no longer held any power over him, for he had found his light right here in Abéyss's arms.

"I love you, Abéyss," Nine whispered, his voice filled with emotion.

"I love you too, Nine," Abéyss replied, equally fervent.

And at that moment, as they looked up at the starless sky, they knew that no matter what darkness may come, they would always have each other's light to guide them.

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