Yukis first encounter with the unknown. Chapter 1 Part 1

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Waking up, my head spinning, struggling to sit upright, I am trying to understand where I am, but my vision is blurry. Felling the back of my head I feel a small stream of an unknown warm liquid running through my fingers.

After a while my vision got good enough to realize that a strange figure was standing over me. I recoiled in surprise and fear but the only thing I managed to do was to fall down onto my back, negating all the progress I had done to getting up. As I am laying flat to the ground I hear a gentle male voice, sitting upright once more I saw an old men stretching his arm out as if he was telling me to grab it and get up to my feet.

After getting up I thanked the old man and asked him where I was. He looked me in the eyes with a curious expression

"you are in my backyard" he said concerned

I probably looked really confused because he offered me to follow him inside his house and talk there instead. As he was leaving he gave me a nod to follow him inside, and so I did.

As soon as we had sat down he offered to make some tea which I agreed to. Approximately 3 minutes later he came out of the kitchen holding 2 steaming hot cups of tea and gave me one, while he sat down opposite to me and broke the silence.

"Hey kiddo, what's your name?"

He asked,while taking a sip from his drink

"Yuki" I answered

"Nice to meet you Yuki, I am Mike"

he told me in a deep but inviting voice.

"Mr Mike can I as..." mark cut me of

"Oh pls don't be so formal Mr Yuki" He said jokingly

"Right, So...Mike, where are we exactly? I ask disoriented

"We are in hunai Village"

he answered but after seeing the confused expression in my face he sighed

"As I understand it you are not from around here Yuki, are you?"

"N-No sorry" I told him not knowing what else to say.

"I was returning home after I finished working out in the gym, when all of a sudden I felt something hitting me hard in the back of my head and felt as if my consciousness was being taken from me" I took a sip of the tea in front of me "After that I woke up where you found me"

"So, Yuki my friend, what is your ability?"

He asked curious to know more

"Ability? What do you mean ability?"

"Well everyone is born with an ability some maybe stronger than others but everyone has an ability.For example my ability is that I can enter ones memories but I am too weak nowadays and that only works if the other party consents to it and doesn't resist"

I was speechless, when I realised something

"Wait Mike can't you go through my memories and tell me what happened". I ask with a spark of hope burning in me.

"Well you see ... I could but in my current state I wouldn't be able to see much. If you wait till the morning I may be able to see a bit more but I cannot promise you much" he added

"Ok I will wait until the morning but...I don't have anywhere to stay at" I said with a low voice

" Oh come on, don't worry about that you can stay with me, After all after my wife's death I have been all alone" he said calmly

" I am so sorry to hear that but thanks a lot for the offer I would be grateful if I had the chance to stay here" the old man chuckled

"if you go upstairs the first room in your left hand side was my son's bedroom, now that he's grown up and he has his family you can go rest to his room"

he said while finishing his drink and going upstairs while I was still sitting at the table, thinking about what would happen tomorrow morning.After a short while I decided to go rest as tomorrow was going to be a rough, big and confusing day.

When morning finally came, I was woken up by the smell of freshly baked eggs and bacon . I got ready and went downstairs to greet mike.Mike had just finished cooking and nodded for me to sit down.I was sitting down when he brought two surprisingly big plates of eggs and bacon with a side salad.

"Eat up Yuki it's gonna be a long day today"

he said while devouring one of the five of his eggs gesturing me to do the same. The rest of the breakfast went by really quickly as we were both busy eating his tastefull cooking.

After both of us finished our breakfast mike broke the silence

"Hey yuki, are you ready for today?"He asked

"If not I won't force you to do anything"

His tone was smooth but rough, calm but anxious and he looked at me waiting for my response

" Mike I've made up my mind, I need to know how I ended up in this world, after all if you were in my shoes you would also want to know the answer, wouldn't you?. That's why I need to know but I also, I am more concerned about the process of how I got here more than anything else, but let's go"

I responded calmly with excitement running through me.

"As you wish yuki, just be prepared because the feeling you will get, differs from person to person so I can't really tell you what to expect"

"I don't mind as long as I get at least something out of it, I don't really expect to learn much but it's better than nothing I guess."

"As you wish yuki. Let's go sit on the living room so we are comfortable"

He stood up to go to the living room, I put my now empty plates away and followed him. After both of us took our seats he gestured me to relax. Taking a few deep breaths I slowly closed my eyes when I felt something like someone was in me but also like I was isolated that's when I felt my consciousness slipping away from me but I through away every survival instinct that I had and let the darkness consume me.

I don't remember much from when I woke up Mike told me that I was out cold for maybe 30 minutes but I don't know if it is true, it felt like an eternity but also like a second so I guess I will have to take his word for it

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